"That's the last time I let Destro commission my like-ness"......
This will be a perfect statue to put on top of our secret Cobra base.
Cobra Commander to Ann. Commander: Ready?
Both at the same time: Ssssally Ssssellssss Ssssea Shellssss By The Ssssea Shore.....
@firedevil@ I'm going to eat you then crap you out.hollywood will scoop it up and make a crap filled movie about G.I.JOE!!!!
"At lasssssst... The COBRA Thanksgiving Day Parade Terror-Balloon issss complete!"
"Does this outfit make me look fat?"
"This is the last time I order Battle Armor from Mecha-Japan.co.jp!"
Cobra Commander immediately regrets using his "Helmeted" likeness for the mascot of COBRA's new baseball team, the COBRA Sluggers.
CC: For the 12th time, the kid isn't mine!! I can't see the resemblance at all, Baroness.
Uhh.. Baronness... the mushrooms in that salad weren't from Dr. Mindbender's Lab, were they?