Picard: I bet a three Captains movie would do as a well as a three Doctors movie did!
Picard: "Jim you'd only be hurting yourself".......
Original Kirk: But.......... he talks............ nothing like me.
Picard: It'll be alright you'll always have Boston Legal.
Original Kirk: It.... was.... cancelled years ago...
Picard: Huh... Didn't know.
Original Kirk lowers his head and pouts quietly.
Kirk: "If they don't come out with another 'Caption the Pic' I'll shoot myself!!!"
Patrick: "Forget it, Bill...it's Abram's-Town."
Kirk - "Fight you? No, as Denny Crane, I'm gonna sue your @ss!"
How about:
"Damn it Jim. Do I have to explain the space-time continuum again?"
"I don't have time for this Kirk. I have to be on the X-Men Origins: Wolverine set in an hour. Oh wait, never mind. Take your time."
Kirk: Damnit why did they go, with a younger, sexier me? Why didn't they even give me, a cameo?
Picard: There, there, if it makes you feel any better, I probably don't even exist anymore.
Kirk: Could I ... have looked ... any better?
Picard: Only 40 years ago and a few bottles of Scotch can do that for you now old man.