Next time I'll just stick to 15 minutes.
Wait a minute. You look familiar. Oh yeah! X-Men!
Very nice post with a ton of informative information. I really appreciate the fact that you approach these topics from a stand point of knowledge and information
instead of the typical I think mentality that you see so much on the internet these days.
Stormy: "Yo Moley, howdya stick swords together? i want ya to teach me."
Mauley: "Nah, forget it. Go buy an uzi."
Sommers: "Maybe, if we throw in a little Star Wars, it will beat District 9 at the box office!"
So that's why you wear a mask!
"Damn it, I showed up on the wrong set again!"
Storm shadow "Yeah, this does feel alot like phantom menace doesn't it?"
Snake Eyes "................"
Storm Shadow "Ok, your right, its worse, I didn't think it was possible either"
Ray I know Sienna is a big Star Wars fan but there is no way you are a gettting a date