36 minutes ago, Jscott991 said:Dalton is a fine actor, but his Bond movies weren't well written. Still, for me, he's better than Moore and Craig.
Dalton's Bond is a great take on the character in search of a halfway decent script which sadly he never got.
15 hours ago, BigGMonsterMan said:Personally, I would love to see smaller scale figures; 1/18 and/or 1/12.
Absolutely! 1/12 would be my pick - I've long had a grand scheme of a Marvel Legends-like multi-wave series with one Bond, one leading lady, one villain, one trooper and one supporting character (case pack would have two of the Bond and the trooper). I may have given it entirely too much thought... ?
39 minutes ago, Satam said:Nineteen years ago, Sideshow made a Timothy Dalton James Bond figure in 1/6th scale and it was terrible. He's not the most popular Bond, but he's a fantastic actor and was doing what Craig did almost twenty years before Casino Royale, plus I think he had more charm. I hope Hot Toys makes a Dalton figure and blows that makes that old Sideshow figure look even worse than it already does. Realistically, Hot Toys will probably make Craig, Connery, Moore, and Brosnan, take several years doing it and lose the license before they ever get to Dalton (or Lazenby).
Dalton is a fine actor, but his Bond movies weren't well written. Still, for me, he's better than Moore and Craig.
Nineteen years ago, Sideshow made a Timothy Dalton James Bond figure in 1/6th scale and it was terrible. He's not the most popular Bond, but he's a fantastic actor and was doing what Craig did almost twenty years before Casino Royale, plus I think he had more charm. I hope Hot Toys makes a Dalton figure and blows that makes that old Sideshow figure look even worse than it already does. Realistically, Hot Toys will probably make Craig, Connery, Moore, and Brosnan, take several years doing it and lose the license before they ever get to Dalton (or Lazenby).
a whole 1/18th scale line with the signature cars/vehicles would be awesome
Hoping they are more successful than Big Chief in getting a full line.
Personally, I would love to see smaller scale figures; 1/18 and/or 1/12.