Just occurred to me, unless they're going to release a second BAF Terror Dog head somewhere, this guy should maybe have interchangeable horns. Or they should release the other Terror Dog as a deluxe or something. There were two dogs, and there were a few subtle differences between the Vinz and Zuul dogs, but the horns were the most obvious.
I think they look good, I don't really see anything wrong with them.
They look pretty good to me...
I love what they're doing with the line personally. I love the Build-a-Terror Dog idea, I love that they're going beyond the four main characters (we need a Janine in Series 2 guys), and from what I can see in the pix it looks like these will be better all around figures than Mattel's Movie Masters versions.
I have heard some guys are getting butt-hurt over the way Hasbro is doling out the accessories (only one guy comes with a proton stream, one guy comes with a ghost trap, etc.). That ISkind of a bummer, but not really a deal-killer.
I expect a sub-line of over priced "Deluxe Figures" that all come fully loaded in the near future, if that makes anybody feel better.
I wish there were loose pics of Ray without the goggles. It looks like Egon and Winston are the strongest likenesses, followed by Ray and Gozer, with Peter and then Dana/Zuul being the weakest.