Somehow I was as sleep at the wheel when this Fanstream aired....oops, but was lucky enough to get pre-orders in for everything I wanted Frag-Viper, Darklon, Blowtorch, Footloose and Law & Order Yay.
10 hours ago, toynewman said:As for Breaker I'm sure he'll be available again based off past Target Experiences and as soon as we see him available again we will be sure to post.
Also small tip Breaker comes out on July 20th and usually from midnight EDT - 3am EDT that stuff appears briefely in-stock. Hope that helps you acquire him!
And Oh yeah I missed this for Breaker as well....Um...ugh. I need a Breaker. ??
1 hour ago, HEROGEEK55 said:Are you freaking kidding me?! This kind of nonsense REALLY pisses me off! On the fanstream, they were perfectly clear about EVERYTHING ELSE going up for pre-order today at 1 PM EST on BBTS and Pulse, but when it came to the G.I. Joe Diver vs. Cobra Diver two-pack, they gave ZERO details! Not a single mention that it was going up for pre-order on Target today! No warning, no time, nothing. Just vague nonsense that left collectors in the dark.
By sheer dumb luck, I had today off, and only because I got an email from Hasbro was I able to scramble onto Targets website and grab two before they were gone. But if I had been at work? I wouldve come home completely oblivious, only to find out that it did go up for pre-order andsurprise surpriseits already sold out. This is EXACTLY the kind of crap that makes collecting such a frustrating nightmare.
And dont even get me started on what happened with Breaker. That was a total disaster. He just suddenly went up for pre-order on Target with zero warningno announcement, no heads-up, just whoops, there it is and good luck if you missed it! From what I can tell, this fanstream was originally supposed to happen last month, so they probably planned to announce that Breaker was a Target exclusive back then. But instead of delaying Breakers release so collectors had a fair shot, they just threw him up without a word, leaving people scrambling.
And you know what? Even IF they had announced it last month, whos to say they wouldnt have pulled the same stunt as they did today with the Diver two-pack and still left people completely in the dark?! Because apparently, properly communicating release details is just too much to ask.
Did I just completely miss some kind of announcement about Breaker being a Target exclusive and going up for pre-order? Because I check Toy News International every single day for G.I. Joe Classified updates, and so does my best friend, and somehow BOTH of us missed out. That tells me there wasnt any proper communication at all.
And the worst part? No ones even calling them out for this screw-up! This is a HUGE mess, and yet it feels like everyone is just accepting it like this is normal. News flashit SHOULDNT be! Dealing with Target exclusives is already a nightmare, so why the hell are they making it even worse with last-minute, unannounced drops?! This is beyond frustrating, and Im so sick of this crap!
The Divers were completely randomly put up but once I saw them on Pulse I had a post ready to help people try and acquire them, I'm glad you got them! As for Breaker, we didn't know it was a Target Exclusive either but Jay did post as soon as he was available on Target at 5:22am EDT. As for Breaker I'm sure he'll be available again based off past Target Experiences and as soon as we see him available again we will be sure to post.
Also small tip Breaker comes out on July 20th and usually from midnight EDT - 3am EDT that stuff appears briefely in-stock. Hope that helps you acquire him!
Are you freaking kidding me?! This kind of nonsense REALLY pisses me off! On the fanstream, they were perfectly clear about EVERYTHING ELSE going up for pre-order today at 1 PM EST on BBTS and Pulse, but when it came to the G.I. Joe Diver vs. Cobra Diver two-pack, they gave ZERO details! Not a single mention that it was going up for pre-order on Target today! No warning, no time, nothing. Just vague nonsense that left collectors in the dark.
By sheer dumb luck, I had today off, and only because I got an email from Hasbro was I able to scramble onto Targets website and grab two before they were gone. But if I had been at work? I wouldve come home completely oblivious, only to find out that it did go up for pre-order andsurprise surpriseits already sold out. This is EXACTLY the kind of crap that makes collecting such a frustrating nightmare.
And dont even get me started on what happened with Breaker. That was a total disaster. He just suddenly went up for pre-order on Target with zero warningno announcement, no heads-up, just whoops, there it is and good luck if you missed it! From what I can tell, this fanstream was originally supposed to happen last month, so they probably planned to announce that Breaker was a Target exclusive back then. But instead of delaying Breakers release so collectors had a fair shot, they just threw him up without a word, leaving people scrambling.
And you know what? Even IF they had announced it last month, whos to say they wouldnt have pulled the same stunt as they did today with the Diver two-pack and still left people completely in the dark?! Because apparently, properly communicating release details is just too much to ask.
Did I just completely miss some kind of announcement about Breaker being a Target exclusive and going up for pre-order? Because I check Toy News International every single day for G.I. Joe Classified updates, and so does my best friend, and somehow BOTH of us missed out. That tells me there wasnt any proper communication at all.
And the worst part? No ones even calling them out for this screw-up! This is a HUGE mess, and yet it feels like everyone is just accepting it like this is normal. News flashit SHOULDNT be! Dealing with Target exclusives is already a nightmare, so why the hell are they making it even worse with last-minute, unannounced drops?! This is beyond frustrating, and Im so sick of this crap!
I passed on everything but the Snake Armor, which I ordered more out of FOMO than really wanting it.
I was briefly tempted by the divers, but I like the EEL much better.
I just preordered two SNAKES...???
I want two SNAKES and one Law & Order... Thank you very much!?????
Shown below is the new Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Series Frag-Viper, Blowtorch, Darklon, Footloose and Deluxe Law & Order Figures are available for pre-order at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.Amazon Links: Law And Order, Footloose, Frag-Viper, Darklon, Blowtorch
Shown below is the new Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Series Target Exclusive Joe/Cobra Diver M.A.S.S. Device 2-Pack is available for pre-order at with a suggested retail price of $54.99.G.I. Joe is a highly skilled, on-demand, special operations force of men and women from around the globe tasked with defending the world from Cobra, a ruthless criminal organization bent on total domination. The brave members of G.I. Joe are prepared to seek out Cobra in any environment on the planet. From hostile jungles to ice-clad arctic peakswherever theres trouble, G.I. Joe is there. New to the G.I. Joe Classified Series line, the G.I. Joe Diver and Cobra Diver figures come ready for adventure, with multiple points of articulation for high poseability. This Deluxe Set is bursting with 27 accessory pieces. Each diver figure includes a mask with breathing hoses, alternate head, diving knife, fins, speargun, machete, backpack, and weapon accessories. The set also includes a submersible with manually spinning propellor and the M.A.S.S. Device Heavy Water Catalytic Element.
Shown below is the new Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Series Pulse Exclusive S.N.A.K.E. Armor Suit is available for pre-order for Pulse Premium Members at Hasbro Pulse and will be available to everyone at 2pm EDT with a suggested retail price of $74.99.
Snake armor is beautiful! Man they got me with that one for sure, probably gonna get two. Really like Footloose as well.