21 hours ago, tycondrius24 said:Wasnt Tully originally in this wave ? We need some Rick Moranis representation Hasbro !
21 hours ago, Admiralty_Entertainment said:Louis and Janine, but I guess they haven't invested in new tooling for those figures and just want to reuse the sculpts for the RGB reissues from a couple years back.
There was a official Louis, however never an official Janine at the time. A 3rd Party Company or a Customizer did do an Ecto-Glow Janine, using the Power Pack Janine as the base figure, and giving her a proton pack, ghost, and Glow In The Dark Mask, as it was a very limited release(I want to say almost only 10 were made). Having said that, there is nothing to stop Hasbro from making their own Ecto-Glow Janine. For those curious on the 3rd Party Ecto-Glow Janine, here's a link from Ghostbusters News from 2020 when he did a review on it:
So, Hasbro makes what is probably the most demanded and hard to find variants from the original Real Ghostbusters line(Due to a limited release because the line was done in the U.S. and was pretty much only available either in the U.K. only or Internationally), as I seem to recall a few fans asking for it when the Re-issues 1st came out, and they make it an SDCC Exclusive? Yeah, that tracks for Hasbro actually.
In all seriousiness, while we don't know the details of the released at this time, I'm wondering if these SDCC 4 Ecto-Glow Ghostbusters will be released in a Windowed 4 Pack Boxset, or on individual Card Backs in a very decorative box? If they decide to do them the SDCC versions in a Window 4 Pack Boxset, then it could down the the road mean they may re-release them in regular retail in individual card backs, and by that time, add in Louis as well(And maybe do their own Janine as well while they are at it, even if it never happened in the original line).
To be honest, the only reason why I'm holding out hope for that, is because I really only want Ecto-Glow Egon from the Ecto-Glow line, with maybe Louis, and/or Janine if they make her too. In my Real Ghostbusters collection right now, I have the Original Slime Heroes Ray, and the Re-issue 1st Wave Peter, as both come with Proton Packs. What I'm hoping is that I can get the rest in some sort of variation of the Ghostbusters with the Proton Pack, as I'd ideally like to get Egon in Ecto-Glow, Winston in Slime Heroes(Either original or Re-issue), and Louis from either Slime Heroes or Ecto-Glow. While they never did do a Janine with a Proton Pack, I wouldn't mind getting the Power Pack version(Again, regardless if it's the original or Re-issue), though if Hasbro did ever decide to a version of Janine with a Proton Pack(Either in a Wave 1 type in a Pink Suit, Slime Heroes, or Ecto-Glow), I wouldn't mind that too.
Just wanted my Real Ghostbusters individual characters to have some sort of different feature and suit design between them while having the Proton Pack, just to make them a bit more interesting and somewhat different from each other(To a degree of course, since I'm sure I would end up with at least 2 of them having the Slime Heroes Gimmick).
29 minutes ago, tycondrius24 said:Wasnt Tully originally in this wave ? We need some Rick Moranis representation Hasbro !
Louis and Janine, but I guess they haven't invested in new tooling for those figures and just want to reuse the sculpts for the RGB reissues from a couple years back.
Wasnt Tully originally in this wave ? We need some Rick Moranis representation Hasbro !
I love that GITD has made a comeback, please let holograms be next
4 minutes ago, Goldbug said:Hasbro is making Reaction figures now?! ?
Now? They've put out a few waves of retro Ghostbusters figures, including the Ecto-1, since Ghostbusters: Afterlife released.
Though I wish they'd put out figures of Louis & Janine.
Hasbro is making Reaction figures now?! ?