I'm wondering if theres any correlation between these releases and ultimates..maybe Bludd,Storm shadow, shipwreck and Bazooka for wave 3 ultimates?
I have no plans to buy any of these but I've heard of Shocktroopers or Gamemaster Drone. Maybe they slipped my mind but would mind a ME/Retro version of that Shocktrooper.
It is weird that Shipwreck is still not produced. Honestly the seamen seems like a odd choice without a Flagg battleship. Maybe just me
Kind of a boring selection of characters
26 minutes ago, magruber said:Hold Up.How the hell are we getting a myriad of Sailors before Shipwreck? Why is Shipwreck constantly snubbed these days!? He's my Favorite Joe!
Mine too LOL
Hold Up.How the hell are we getting a myriad of Sailors before Shipwreck? Why is Shipwreck constantly snubbed these days!? He's my Favorite Joe!