Super7 has announced the glow-in-the-dark Mothra and Rodan ReAction Figures on special die-cut cardbacks (that also glow!) are sure to brighten up your Toho collection! Available at NYCC at Booth 1325!
These Reaction figures are looking pretty cool man.???
Super7 has teased what appears to be more Godzilla Reaction figures on Twitter!
Saw these "Goji" dudes from S7....
The Zilla GID should have been full body Glow IMHO ;^)
When I think back to the late 70s & early 80s, I always thought Toho figures in the Kenner style would be awesome. Glad I have lived to see the day. ?
Looks entertaining enough.
I was really expecting an ultimates reveal. Though I dig the Mothra/Rodan/Godzilla shirt designs
That GITD Reaction figure is older and came out NYCC week and is actually the 2nd version of that boxed figure, so with today's release that makes 3 versions of this figure we've gotten in less than 6 months. That carded Dark Green one is new for Godzilla Day, though. I guess that's technically part of the preexisting Shogun Warriors line, so we haven't seen the Reaction line, yet. I figured the silhouettes were going to be Ultimates, but it looks like I may be wrong.