I will be taking advantage of the updated Tygra. Very nice!
Here is a chance for me to get that Tygra for a somewhat decent price. The armband is there unlike the original Ultimates version. Doesn't seem to have any shading but I don't mind. The Cheetara is a skip, just don't like that figure.
24 minutes ago, Roadpigmaster said:These are for new fans that didn't buy the first Ultimates waves... The feedback from Super 7 is that the Deluxe line is selling great!????
Yup like me, And at this price point I think I'm in. I am very pleased with Super7 doing this cheaper re-packing of Ultimates, as someone who doesn't need a ton of accessories and mainly wants the figure, I am for it. Because collecting Ultmates is a really pricey game in Canada, at 75-80 bucks a standard figure...but 40. Sure!
2 hours ago, HogunVolstagg2 said:I like that they are making these available at a lower price point, but the way how theyre presented in package just feels so bare and without care. Its not very fun or engaging.
Like, yes, they want people to buy the more expensive ones, but still
I honestly like the packaging, it's simplistic and very "classic" style with the blister, something about a figure on card-back always just makes me feel like it's all supposed to when buying a toy. But that's just me.
These are for new fans that didn't buy the first Ultimates waves... The feedback from Super 7 is that the Deluxe line is selling great!????
I like that they are making these available at a lower price point, but the way how theyre presented in package just feels so bare and without care. Its not very fun or engaging.
Like, yes, they want people to buy the more expensive ones, but still