On 2/5/2020 at 9:47 AM, memocromatico said:Well, it's not like the original had UNIQUE artwork that didn't look like He-Man, the Silverhawks or GI Joe, or even Captain Planet. I'm not particularly a fan of how this looks, but the artwork isn't something that I'd praise the original for, or even the animation for that matter. Other than the intro (which is one of the greatest in all of history), most of the fighting and talking scenes are recycling footage.
Besides, that little quirky artwork and animation style that you're dissing as SSDDShow is making it unique. It doesn't look exactly like anything else, even if it looks inspired from many of them. You don't have to like them for them to be different, and you disliking them doesn't make them bad shows. Some of the newer animation I've seen (Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe) have some of the greatest storytelling, regardless of the art style.
I don't get why fans of the original would get pissed over this. It's not like the original magically disappears because this exists. You can still enjoy the 80s version, I can still enjoy the 2011 version, and if someone likes this, they can enjoy it too.
I'll watch it before I have a final opinion on it, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
So one thing, I enjoyed the original series as a kid but as an adult its very very hard to watch. I had bought the first season years ago and could barely take 2 episodes, same with heman. They arent very easy to watch shows anymore. For me it was always the characters, they did some really great comics that depicted the characters in a more mature but still true to the original shows aesthetic and atmosphere. It is true that alot of cartoons of their time were very similiar in both artstyle and feel and it defined a generation of animation.
And Im not disrespecting what is being made here, I understand its not for me. I love and enjoy Gravity Falls and Steven Universe which are some of my most enjoyed animation of this past generation. The difference for me is those are original properties and I have no problem with that. This isnt. This is obviously using already established characters and putting a wacky and goofy take to it all.
Also dont get me wrong, Im not at all pissed at this, Im annoyed? sure. Will I watch it?Probably not. I hated the idea of Teen Titans Go and apparently that was successful, so more power to them. Im clearly not their audience anymore and I accept that. And people arent getting mad that because this exists that the older one disappears, its moreso the potential of having a newer thundercats that is familiarto thrive. This one is kind of like using what was established and making them all wacky and nonsensical.The other Thundercats show from i think 2012 or something was a great way of revitalizing the property while adding new design elements. It paid respect to what was already established while giving it a pretty fresh and updated take. What sucks is that show bombed hard and that show was extremely well done and very missed.
31 minutes ago, Neovorticism2 said:I would not count on it, but the NYTF is approaching, we may see TCats products planned for retail, although they may not be the ones we expect.
Still, they're putting out a second wave for the Classic Thundercats line, it may not be retail, but product is being made.
Not interested. Will not be watching this but great for ppl that will like it and enjoy. Easy pass for me. Dont like the animation look. The only good thing out of this hopefully we get vintage merchandise since the spotlight will be on Thundercats!! Hooooo!!!!!
Gotta say, the comments here are not as entertaining as the ones on the TNI Facebook post about it.
Cringe worthy. This is how to really show that you dont know your audience. Giving the middle finger to those that helped make it a thing in the first place. I would love to have a proper Thundercats show that I could enjoy, with my kids even. But this is more like Sponge bob and the gross/ trash crap tv I try to avoid and hide from the kids. What a shame. Same goes for Rise of My Blood Pressure Turtles for picking their design and direction. Over stylized and stupid. This kind of stuff really screwswith the emotions of fans of their franchises. We want to see the brands succeed because we love them but Im sure a lot of us want these iterations die and go away to a place we can forget. And when you serve trash and it fails theyll blame it on lack of interest in the brand. No not at all. We want more Thundercats. But not like this.
This is an insult to the original series, the 2011 reboot, the fans of BOTH series, fans of action cartoons in general, and cats.
11 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Def dont care for this kind of treatment to an established brand/series that is beloved. I remember watching the making of and the director was super hipster like and saying hes doing it justice. Making an actiony beloved 80s cartoon series into a jokey teen titans go and using animation style thats used in every little quirky same s#!t different day show isnt making it unique nor is it doing the original justice. Im sure this is just a way to rebrand the license for kids now but its a really weird approach in doing it. Its like they want to piss off the fans of the original.
Well, it's not like the original had UNIQUE artwork that didn't look like He-Man, the Silverhawks or GI Joe, or even Captain Planet. I'm not particularly a fan of how this looks, but the artwork isn't something that I'd praise the original for, or even the animation for that matter. Other than the intro (which is one of the greatest in all of history), most of the fighting and talking scenes are recycling footage.
Besides, that little quirky artwork and animation style that you're dissing as SSDDShow is making it unique. It doesn't look exactly like anything else, even if it looks inspired from many of them. You don't have to like them for them to be different, and you disliking them doesn't make them bad shows. Some of the newer animation I've seen (Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe) have some of the greatest storytelling, regardless of the art style.
I don't get why fans of the original would get pissed over this. It's not like the original magically disappears because this exists. You can still enjoy the 80s version, I can still enjoy the 2011 version, and if someone likes this, they can enjoy it too.
I'll watch it before I have a final opinion on it, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Def dont care for this kind of treatment to an established brand/series that is beloved. I remember watching the making of and the director was super hipster like and saying hes doing it justice. Making an actiony beloved 80s cartoon series into a jokey teen titans go and using animation style thats used in every little quirky same s#!t different day show isnt making it unique nor is it doing the original justice. Im sure this is just a way to rebrand the license for kids now but its a really weird approach in doing it. Its like they want to piss off the fans of the original.
Tried to give it a chance but I dont think it's funny and I REALLY hated the art style.
No Thanks. I'll pass.