"She’s likable, messy, a little goofy and untamed. She’s also nothing like Kate Kane, the woman who wore the batsuit before her," the notice reads, according to Decider. "With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. A girl who would steal milk for an alley cat could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical All-American hero."
"This was not a decision I made lightly as I have the utmost respect for the cast, crew and everyone involved with the show in both Vancouver and in Los Angeles. I am beyond appreciative to [executive producers] Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter and Caroline Dries for not only giving me this incredible opportunity, but for welcoming me into the DC universe they have so beautifully created."
"GENIUS"!!!!!..... CW magic at work!!!! So, stay calm boys, girls and (file in the blank).....All is well.
Hey what about "BATPAT"!!! Worked on SNL =^)
wow....i have yet to watch an episode of this and Ruby Rose got fired? So much hype with her casting and it comes to an end.
Hmm. With Arrow gone, Ruby walkin', Elongated Man getting fired from the Flash, and by their own admission, next years crossover being a much smaller scale affair, one has to wonder what exactly is going on behind the scenes back at the CW Ranch.
OK this character was not created recently but in 2006. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Katherine_Kane_(New_Earth)https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batwoman
There have been many Batwomen. It shouldn't be hard for them to choose another!
It is quite disappointing though because of all the back story they have done with Kate Kane which was leading up to things. I guess no more cross over with Supergirl then.
Creating a whole new character? That will just destroy this show.Maybe they should just have Rachel Skarsten take over. They are "twins" after all.
this is the king of bad Decisions
Seems odd to create a whole new character. Almost makes the first season kind of pointless in the long run if season two is successful. I'm still surprised they didn't lock Ruby in with a 5 year contract or something.
This is a total failure to launch. Time to cut losses. The whole roll out of this show was a farce and it was so over the top most people thought it was a joke. It was.
12 hours ago, Satam said:Geoff Johns would be a good choice. He's the showrunner of Stargirl, wrote the first two episodes (they were genuinely great), and he created the character and wrote the comics. It forehead-smackingly strange that it's taken this long for WB to say "maybe we should get the guy who wrote the comics to develop a show based on them," but it probably helps that he used to be the President and CCO of DC Entertainment.
Total agreement. I just saw the first episode of Stargirl yesterday, and it blew me away! The opening fight scene was awesome, and Joel McHale as Starman was great. I honestly didn't see them rolling out the S.T.R.I.P.E. suit in the first episode either. This thing is pure fan-service in the best way.
I'm hoping Johns is the only hand on the wheel despite Berlanti being listed as an executive producer. Maybe it's just an honorary thing like they did for Stan Lee for years. All I know is they can have Flash, Black Lightning, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, and even Superman and Lois, just give me Stargirl. Just this one. Don't make it political, counter-culture, propaganda, or a recruiting tool. Just let it be a good show.
18 hours ago, mako said:As far as I'm concerned, cancel the whole lot, give Berlanti his walking papers, and start fresh with someone who understands these characters.
Geoff Johns would be a good choice. He's the showrunner of Stargirl, wrote the first two episodes (they were genuinely great), and he created the character and wrote the comics. It forehead-smackingly strange that it's taken this long for WB to say "maybe we should get the guy who wrote the comics to develop a show based on them," but it probably helps that he used to be the President and CCO of DC Entertainment.
16 hours ago, Atlantis said:The character was created by DC back during the New 52, explicitly to be a lesbian hero. "Described as the highest-profile gay superhero to appear in stories published by DC". That's her hook. The creators wanted a character that reflected the populace of Gotham. Like it or not, in this case the sexuality is the character. Its not the CWs decision; this was what DC wanted. Doing a live action show on this characterand then casting a non -lesbian actor,is the very definition of being tone deaf.
My objections to the character and the show have nothing to do with her sexuality. I personally don't care for "copy cat" superheroes. There are exceptions, but for the most part I find it to be a sign of limited imagination. Super boy,Super girl, super Lois, Super Perry White, Super Dog, Cat, Horse, Monkey...come on.
And for the Batman this is worse. Batgirl? At least Robin had an already established Olympic level acrobatic skill level when he meets Batman; she was a librarian who took some karate classes. Hardly a match for running around with the Dynamic Duo. Sure, they jazzed up Kate Kane with krav maga and judo, but making her out of whole cloth just feels made up.
One of the prime ingredients that created and drive Batman is that he had virtually no one to lean on when his parents were killed. That isolation, plus the rage and ferocity that wascreated in him, was what drovehis intensityto become the master detective and martial artist that he is. It wasn't an overnight process;it took most of his childhood/young adulthood to get to that point. And he didn't have some cousin hanging around him all that time.Creating a forgotten family after 80 years, that we're supposed to believe was always there, makes no sense. It dilutes him. I also dislike the Gotham tv show for this reason. Good riddance to that crap.
The Batwoman tv show is plagued by the shadow of "What Happened to Batman" over it. Its constantly about her trying to fill his boots and it cant stand on its own no matter how hard they try. Oh and her main villain! A terrible, badly acted and badly written mashup of the Joker and Harley Quinn...its just unwatchable (for me). The proposed new casting, that theyre trying to say is a new direction: "Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical All-American hero". That's exactly what Kate Kane was supposed to be!
I heard that Ruby Rose suffered a spinal injury and had to have emergency surgery. That, on top of low ratings, make me feel she's right to leave the show. Her health comes before anything else. CW should cancel the show and move on to something else.