On 10/24/2020 at 1:11 PM, Satam said:As long as Gunn doesn't try to turn them into a bunch of heroes, which I doubt he will, I think I'm good. That they all look bathed and aren't dressed like some wannabe edgy prick's idea of a comic book movie thar's "NOT FOR %$#&ING NERDS" is a bonus.
I don't think you have to worry too much about that. It's pretty clear that most of the guys are pure cannon fodder. I don't expect many beyond Flag, Harley, Boomerang and perhaps Bloodsport or King Shark to make it to the end. Most of these guys look so brilliantly cheesy they have to be getting set up for no less than a half dozen awesome death scenes. Hell, they look so ridiculous I wanna kill 'em myself.
This movie is going to put the last one to shame. Kudos to Gunn for taking Harley out of that hazmat suit and putting her in an iconic costume that makes her sexy, yet not too trashy. I would expect nothing less from the shady and creepy, but very talented James Gunn.
It has an interesting look to it, hopefully it's better than the first one which shouldn't be too difficult to achieve.
I have high hopes for this movie, I love the looks of these characters the very comic vibes are great and the cast is really solid.
I am stoked to see this movie. There's always an itch on my side that needs scratching, and it's called Suicide Squad. Until now I kept going back watching the first movie. The second will, hopefully, be as good, if not better. #batfleckforever #henrycaville #dceu #zacksneidersjusticeleague #ww84
Looks good to me, I can't wait to see how Amanda Waller plans on keeping this gang in check. I'm not familiar with most of the characters here but look forward to see how they play out in the story. Especially interested in the John Cena character and the female Mongul character. And what the hell is that thing in the back looks like an otter? Wow this is going to be a trip.
As long as Gunn doesn't try to turn them into a bunch of heroes, which I doubt he will, I think I'm good. That they all look bathed and aren't dressed like some wannabe edgy prick's idea of a comic book movie thar's "NOT FOR %$#&ING NERDS" is a bonus.
I love the visual style of the movie, while I'm not sure if it's guarantee that movie will be good it's still reassuring for me, and Harley finally has really good costume.