“Tom and Carlos have been an integral part of our show for seven seasons, and will be greatly missed,” The Flash executive producer/showrunner Eric Wallace said in a statement to Deadline. “Both are incredible talents who created beloved characters that fans and audiences around the world have come to love. Which is why we are happily keeping the door open for return appearances.”
They make such a big deal ofCavanagh leaving the show (usually "death") but he comes back and comes back so quickly, it makes this kind of announcement just blah.
I dont think the show ever explained how that huge particle accelerator facility operates with merely 2-4 scientists/technicians. They re-purposed it at some point as a meta-human prison, but we never see any staff tend to any of the inmates, we never see how the place runs, etc. Now frankly at this point I'm not even sure I care.
Good call on both these guys parts.
Uh-uh, no way. They fooled me with that once. Valdes was supposed to leave last season, and HE'S STILL THERE.