1 hour ago, SpiderS said:I just wish we would just get revival of DCAU, if we getting Friends revival why not get the most well crafted animated universe in existence, this could really drive some new subscribers for HBOMax on monthly basis, and while we at it why not get amazing HBO Spawn series back too.
It likely has to do with Paul Dini and Bruce Timm not wanting to work together anymore, and that Timm has kind of proven that without Dini or the late Dwayne McDuffie, there's just no spark there. The closest thing we got to a revival of the DCAU in the last several years was Batman and Harley Quinn, and for good reason, that wasn't well received. As for the HBO Spawn series, Todd McFarlane has been talking about that since before he shut down the old Spawn message boards. There's been little bits of "news" here and there for years, but nothing concrete. I'd be happy to be surprised, but I just don't think it's going to happen.
29 minutes ago, SpiderS said:I wonder if it is thatuniverse Barry created by the end of Apokalips war, like new divergent timeline along with MoT, JSWWII and new Batman Long Halloween world.
I tend to doubt it. I'm pretty sure I heard after Apokolips War they wanted to move away from shared continuity and back to self-contained movies.
I wonder if it is thatuniverse Barry created by the end of Apokalips war, like new divergent timeline along with MoT, JSWWII and new Batman Long Halloween world. Second question is how faithful to comics and games this will be, having exact same story will be boring, so they gotta take key concepts and redo them in new way.I just wish we would just get revival of DCAU, if we getting Friends revival why not get the most well crafted animated universe in existence, this could really drive some new subscribers for HBOMax on monthly basis, and while we at it why not get amazing HBO Spawn series back too. I just think that these animated full lenght movies have problems with pacing and feel emptycompared totv series episodic format.
47 minutes ago, DrLava said:but why make the comment at all? it makes no sense whatsoever. hes not involved in it. was never involved with the game either. it was a very random comment. i could see if you made that comment in every single entertainment thread, like you really hate the man and just post it everywhere, but you dont. it was super random. it was like you were trying to troll this movie, but you couldnt cause you dont know the cast or animation style or anything, so you just made up something random instead. this is why the bbts contest needs to stop, you get moronic random off topic posts in every single thread cause of destitute posters like yourself.
I made the comment because there were three announcements about DC animated projects: One with JJ Abrams inexplicably involved and hinting at his growing involvement with DC projects for WB, one with zero involvement from him that anyone can tell, and another with no information about who's involved whatsoever. I said I'd like him to not be involved. If you think that's a "moronic comment," and I'm a "destitute poster" (whatever that is), go right ahead and think that. I think you're an ass who has reading comprehension issues and likes to hurl insults and start fights with multiple people, likely for the sheer amusement of seeing how far you can get with it before the other person throws up their hands and walks away from the idiotic and obnoxious argument you've started with them. Why do you care what anybody else says around here if it doesn't directly concern you? Does it concern something you really care about? Are people just out of the blue calling you out? Are people tagging you when they post their comments? Are they insulting what you love? Are you a moderator? Who made it your job to make sure nobody's "trolling" (you're really one to talk, pal) or making what you think are random comments to win a contest i? Is there even a contest going right now? Again...WHY DO YOU CARE? Do yourself a favor and put me on "ignore" if you don't like what I have to say around here, huh? I'm doing the same with you.
2 hours ago, DrLava said:so an article talking about a completely unrelatedtv show that hasnt even begun production led you to believe that a finished completely unrelated movie,where abrams is not even credited, somehow has him involved in it. lol ok.
BTW, he's also developing a Justice League Dark show for HBO Max, but no. That's not what I said at all. Not even close. I said "Just keep JJ Abrams the hell away from it," as in I hope he remains not involved. Have a good one.
2 hours ago, DrLava said:why would jj abrams be involved in this project? its a direct to video animated dc movie based on a video game. hes never done animation before and never been involved with anything dc either. he doesnt work for warner bros or nrs or any of their other subsidiaries.
I am definitely down for this. Very interested to see what they do with it. Hopefully it doesnt suck and isnt like some of the bad animated translations theyve already made.
What Satam said X 1000.
Okay. Just keep JJ Abrams the hell away from it.