Director Andy Muschietti Reveals New Logo For 'The Flash' Movie

by Outsiders
June 14, 2021
Director Andy Muschietti of The Flash movie has released another Instagram of The Flash's new logo from his costume. Muschietti recently showed a close-up of the black-and-yellow symbol on the 1999 Batsuit with a blood-stain.

The Flash movie was scripted by Christina Hodson amd stars Ezra Miller, who played Barry Allen/ The Flash in Justice League. Also appearing is Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/ Batman, Michael Keaton as Batman, Sasha Calle as Supergirl, Kiersey Clemons as Barry's love interest Iris West, Maribel Verdú and Ron Livingston as Barry's parents Nora and Henry Allen. In undisclosed roles are Saoirse-Monica Jackson and Rudy Mancuso.

The Flash movie is scheduled for a November 4th, 2022 release.

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A post shared by Andy Muschietti (@andy_muschietti)

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Outsiders - 2021-08-19 @ 1:28 am

Warner Bros released a new look at The Flash movie logo and title.

SpiderS - 2021-07-18 @ 8:54 pm

According to reddit leaks Flash movie will reboot DC universe in a way that erases Batman V Superman, Justice League and first Suicide Squad movie, pretty much replacing Affleck with Keaton. Ofc it something we should take with grain of salt. Yet it makes me sad that we gonna lose Affleck.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-23 @ 6:31 pm
17 hours ago, JayC said:

As for the Supergirl image, she is clearly wearing a harness under the outfit with wires coming out of it. This is a set photo someone snuck out during production. I get its not the most flattering of images but then again it wasn't really meant for public consumption. Perhaps before everyone starts complaining and fighting about it we wait for the final production and then makes judgements.

This is the JayC I like to read...moderating comments and bringing clarity to the convo for people screaming Chicken Little.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-23 @ 6:30 pm
16 hours ago, JayC said:

I guarantee you he will come back with some kind of counter point and then you will feel need to respond to him. This is how threads get derailed

Well I wasn't going to but ok. I prefaced it with it being MY opinion...which was the standard dropped. Threads get derailed because "isms" get a free pass here and a small minority of people do the job you have decided you won't do...either because of apathy or terse agreement. The initial offenders get butthurt getting called out and cry. Man we gave you a pretty clear solution to this but you doubled down on saying it was okay.

Your chickens keep coming home to roost because of the hill you opted to die on.

4 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

It's just so tiring when you give an opinion and anotherpersons first instinct is to lash out by calling you some form of "ist"

Bruh I just said your opinion was $#!tty. You waxed poetic about "ists" before anyone else.

4 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

That's where I felt honor bound to defend my stance.

Proud of you for in essence besmirching someone else's honor but feeling duty bound to defend yours. We call that selective moral outrage. Or better yet hypocrisy

4 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

Then he started throwing out a buncha convoluted stuff like Fox News and Trump that had nothing to do with anything.

Neither did Carbi B, Cancel Culture, or SJW but you broke it out all the same as a defense of your opinion...which you are free to have, just like I can have the opinion that your opinion is$#!tty. We can coexist. You not gonna change my opinionto agree with yours and I'm cool with keeping my opinion about your opinion. See it's not even personal. You could be as cool as a fan in real life...but yourcomment wasn't

4 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

I'm glad you intervened.

Eh...this is about the only time, but JayC made it clear on another thread where he stands.I wouldn't call that a position of merit if you find yourself standing same side he falls on regarding these things.

Zerzar999 - 2021-06-23 @ 1:58 pm
12 hours ago, JayC said:

Your right neither of you are going to change the others mind. I guarantee you he will come back with some kind of counter point and then you will feel need to respond to him. This is how threads get derailed

As for the Supergirl image, she is clearly wearing a harness under the outfit with wires coming out of it. This is a set photo someone snuck out during production. I get its not the most flattering of images but then again it wasn't really meant for public consumption. Perhaps before everyone starts complaining and fighting about it we wait for the final production and then makes judgements.

Yes I was already getting there. I've never said anything believing I was gonna change someone's mind. I let myself get drawn in. It's just so tiring when you give an opinion and anotherpersons first instinct is to lash out by calling you some form of "ist". That's where I felt honor bound to defend my stance. Then he started throwing out a buncha convoluted stuff like Fox News and Trump that had nothing to do with anything. It's just such a formulaic and redundant structure when someone feels the need to call you out cuz you don't agree. I'm glad you intervened.

JayC - 2021-06-23 @ 1:13 am
3 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

Holy crap dude, you are all over the map. It's like your so intent on being angry at something you're not absorbing a thing I said. We are arguing virtually the same thing.

First of, I'm a fan of the female form, a big fan. I do like the way Cardi and Nicki and Shasha Calle look. I'm not a fan of some of Cardi's work because it's a bit vulgar for my taste, but whatever gets her paid. I only mentioned her in particular because she one of the standouts in the currentZeitgeist. You're a fan, I get it, you take personal offense, I'm sure she'd do the same for you. My bad, I just needed a point of reference.

As far as the "Frumpy" remark, dude read a dictionary. Frumpy is a description that's most often applied to the way one is dressed. The topic on deck was about the way the suit looked on the actor. Sasha Calle is a very attractive woman with very womanly features in herown right, but they put her in a ridiculous costume that flattened her out and made her look like a pre-pubescent boy. What's the point of casting an attractive actress only to make her less attractive?

Finally, and please read all of this before you jump to a conclusion, I'm asking why do they find it necessary to make our comic book females, in comics and movies/TV, as flat as a board, as you so eloquently put it, and tone down the traditional looks and redesign costumes to cover more areaas to no longer objectify women, but then find it okay to objectify attractive and curvy women in things like music videos. Yes, they are absolutely 2 different mediums, I'm just using them as examples. To simplify it more so. They will call us perverted fanboys when we complain about the lack of curves (boobies) on women in our comic books and toys, but then turn around and say look at (insert name of attractive female here), so strong and empowering,walking around shaking her thang and using what she's got (again, I'm a fan). It can't be both ways. Either it's all objectifying or it's all empowering, but they can't be both. That's the double speak.

Your right neither of you are going to change the others mind. I guarantee you he will come back with some kind of counter point and then you will feel need to respond to him. This is how threads get derailed

As for the Supergirl image, she is clearly wearing a harness under the outfit with wires coming out of it. This is a set photo someone snuck out during production. I get its not the most flattering of images but then again it wasn't really meant for public consumption. Perhaps before everyone starts complaining and fighting about it we wait for the final production and then makes judgements.

Zerzar999 - 2021-06-22 @ 10:06 pm
3 hours ago, kILLMonger said:

But you were...if you weren't, there would have been no need to even have her name come out of your mouth.

Huh?? They are totally two different forms of media/genres. No one is calling Cardi B the poster child of "progression" (except for people building up strawmen arguments). Carbi B has her own does this iteration of Supergirl. You are the one confusing the two.

Carbi B and Nicki ARE real flesh and blood women my dude so it's ok to look at them. They actually reflect a more realistic visage of females.You just could of said you like your women flat like pancakes...would have been faster lol.

Calls a woman "frumpy..." body shames her...and is butthurt because he was called a misogynist. How about you not do what you did then? I didn't call you $#!tty...I said your opinion was. And it is. Or let's do this: how would you like if someone said what you said to your kids/mom/etc.? Better you would feel if your kids/mom/significant other read that hot garbage you wrote?

How would you feel that after all those descriptorsfor your wife...some clown flippantly threw out "frumpy" and body shamed her? Bruh that what you did to Sasha Calle. She's a person, a daughter, a actress, and a whole bunch of other didn't give her the same honor you gave your wife.

Ugh another CC/anti SJW rant. Give me a break. How about you people just not say $#!tty things so you don't have to deal with the consequences of your words? If you are brave enough to to say brave enough for people to call you out on it.

Holy crap dude, you are all over the map. It's like your so intent on being angry at something you're not absorbing a thing I said. We are arguing virtually the same thing.

First of, I'm a fan of the female form, a big fan. I do like the way Cardi and Nicki and Shasha Calle look. I'm not a fan of some of Cardi's work because it's a bit vulgar for my taste, but whatever gets her paid. I only mentioned her in particular because she one of the standouts in the currentZeitgeist. You're a fan, I get it, you take personal offense, I'm sure she'd do the same for you. My bad, I just needed a point of reference.

As far as the "Frumpy" remark, dude read a dictionary. Frumpy is a description that's most often applied to the way one is dressed. The topic on deck was about the way the suit looked on the actor. Sasha Calle is a very attractive woman with very womanly features in herown right, but they put her in a ridiculous costume that flattened her out and made her look like a pre-pubescent boy. What's the point of casting an attractive actress only to make her less attractive?

Finally, and please read all of this before you jump to a conclusion, I'm asking why do they find it necessary to make our comic book females, in comics and movies/TV, as flat as a board, as you so eloquently put it, and tone down the traditional looks and redesign costumes to cover more areaas to no longer objectify women, but then find it okay to objectify attractive and curvy women in things like music videos. Yes, they are absolutely 2 different mediums, I'm just using them as examples. To simplify it more so. They will call us perverted fanboys when we complain about the lack of curves (boobies) on women in our comic books and toys, but then turn around and say look at (insert name of attractive female here), so strong and empowering,walking around shaking her thang and using what she's got (again, I'm a fan). It can't be both ways. Either it's all objectifying or it's all empowering, but they can't be both. That's the double speak.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-22 @ 6:21 pm
29 minutes ago, Zerzar999 said:

Hey man, don't get me wrong, I'm not crapping on Cardi B's hustle.

But you were...if you weren't, there would have been no need to even have her name come out of your mouth.

29 minutes ago, Zerzar999 said:

What I'm pointing out is how can they head one way in one form of media and then head the other way in another and then sell them both as progression.

Huh?? They are totally two different forms of media/genres. No one is calling Cardi B the poster child of "progression" (except for people building up strawmen arguments). Carbi B has her own does this iteration of Supergirl. You are the one confusing the two.

29 minutes ago, Zerzar999 said:

How can they tell you you're a pig for wanting your superheroes to look like actual women rather than 14 year old boys and then throw a curvy woman like Cardi or Nicki at us and tell us it's okay to look and then tell us both ways are the right way.

Carbi B and Nicki ARE real flesh and blood women my dude so it's ok to look at them. They actually reflect a more realistic visage of females.You just could of said you like your women flat like pancakes...would have been faster lol.

29 minutes ago, Zerzar999 said:

As far as the name calling, which incidentally was your first go to.Thank you for proving my point. That's just an easy way for the less thoughtful person to try to shut someone down who's opinion they happen to disagree with but can't manage to put together a cognizant argument as to why past their standard groupthink stance.

Calls a woman "frumpy..." body shames her...and is butthurt because he was called a misogynist. How about you not do what you did then? I didn't call you $#!tty...I said your opinion was. And it is. Or let's do this: how would you like if someone said what you said to your kids/mom/etc.? Better you would feel if your kids/mom/significant other read that hot garbage you wrote?

How would you feel that after all those descriptorsfor your wife...some clown flippantly threw out "frumpy" and body shamed her? Bruh that what you did to Sasha Calle. She's a person, a daughter, a actress, and a whole bunch of other didn't give her the same honor you gave your wife.

Ugh another CC/anti SJW rant. Give me a break. How about you people just not say $#!tty things so you don't have to deal with the consequences of your words? If you are brave enough to to say brave enough for people to call you out on it.

Zerzar999 - 2021-06-22 @ 5:58 pm
1 hour ago, kILLMonger said:

Misogyny...and body shaming in 2021, you calling the wrong thing ridiculous my dude.

We live in 2021. Gone (thankfully) are the days of women being expected to be bare foot in the kitchen pregnant. These women aren't here for you. Lol at Carbi B. Bruh she makes waaay more money then you. And she got it exploiting dudes who think like you...expecting T and A and willing to shell out all kinds of cash to see her shake it. But in the end this rant shows me that what you know about Cardi B you learned off of some conservative news channel. Let's not forget the former first lady also had no probs spreading it out in pictorials (in her bday suit) for a bit of cash before Trump scooped her cool with that?

Nah, clown is a better description.

Disclaimer: this is my opinion of your opinion (whichI find totally $#!tty). Come with better reasons as opposed to this mess.

Hey man, don't get me wrong, I'm not crapping on Cardi B's hustle. It's nothing new. I get it. I've been watching femalemusicians and comedians do theirthing since way before Amy Schumer and Gaga made it cool. What I'm pointing out is how can they head one way in one form of media and then head the other way in another and then sell them both as progression. They speak out of both sides of their mouths. At one time Captain Marvel's sexy outfit was considered empowering but now it's objectifying. How can they tell you you're a pig for wanting your superheroes to look like actual women rather than 14 year old boys and then throw a curvy woman like Cardi or Nicki at us and tell us it's okay to look and then tell us both ways are the right way. I'm just sayingthe rules should beapplied evenly through all avenues. My kids watch music videos and my kids read comics, yet on one side (the comics) they will tell you how it's up to the comic makers to protect everyone from perceptions, but on the other (music videos) everything is freeform and it becomes the individuals responsibility.

As far a the money issue, that's always such a ridiculous argument. That's just a cheap way of trying to say someone is better than you. I do fine and have no problem people using whatever advantages they have to make their money. If you don't take your shots there's always someone ready to step up and take them for you.

As far as the name calling, which incidentally was your first go to.Thank you for proving my point. That's just an easy way for the less thoughtful person to try to shut someone down who's opinion they happen to disagree with but can't manage to put together a cognizant argument as to why past their standard groupthink stance.

As far as the Barefoot & Pregnant thing, that's just tired and uninspired and just out of context altogether. Nothing I said was in an attempt to "put women in their place". My wife is as independent as anyone and she has been since we met in high school. You wanna put labels on people you can call her a front line medical worker, kidney transplant donor, personal trainer, licensed nutritionist, trained martial artist, mother of two who less than 6months ago fought off a gunman at her job with her bare hands while theso called men stood by and watched and then had to testify in court to his face. I'm what you'd refer to as a multiracial POC, with LGBT brothers and sisters, both bio and foster, whose single mother wantedto make a better life for me and my siblings by working2 jobs and whoput me through both aviation mechanic and real estate school because I was a stupid kid that didn't know what he wanted to do yet. Believe me, both paid well through the "Rona" so I can do the best to repay her sacrifice though I know I never can. I had an appreciation for strong women long before it became socially mandatory so don't even come at me with that BS.

All I was trying to do is point out the double standards and cancel culture that is running and ruining good entertainment for social credit and blame everyone but themselveswhen badplans don't work out. You decided to take it to some weird political SJW rant that had little or nothing to do with the point other than fulfilling your desire to be just another outraged internet crusader. Trust me, those people are a dime a dozen, my friend.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-22 @ 2:10 pm
22 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

OL. Frumpy, party of one....Frumpy, part of one. This is ridiculous.

Misogyny...and body shaming in 2021, you calling the wrong thing ridiculous my dude.

22 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

We live in a world where we have to empower women by toning down a more "sexy" style by covering them from chin to toe tip because it's substance that's supposed to matter, yet it's also empowering to have people like Cardi B running around in clothing that covers up less than 10 square inches of their body and singing about the sheer acreageof sausage they intake and also make entire movies about12 year old girls on a Twerking Vision Quest.

We live in 2021. Gone (thankfully) are the days of women being expected to be bare foot in the kitchen pregnant. These women aren't here for you. Lol at Carbi B. Bruh she makes waaay more money then you. And she got it exploiting dudes who think like you...expecting T and A and willing to shell out all kinds of cash to see her shake it. But in the end this rant shows me that what you know about Cardi B you learned off of some conservative news channel. Let's not forget the former first lady also had no probs spreading it out in pictorials (in her bday suit) for a bit of cash before Trump scooped her cool with that?

23 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:

Aww....screw it. Just go back to calling everyone who doesn't like the movie an "ist" and move on to tank the next property.

Nah, clown is a better description.

Disclaimer: this is my opinion of your opinion (whichI find totally $#!tty). Come with better reasons as opposed to this mess.

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