Sony Marks December 2023 For 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' Sequel Theater Release

by Outsiders
June 28, 2022
Deadline is reporting that Sony teased at CinemaCon with a sizzle reel confirming the sequel to Ghostbusters: Afterlife is getting a theatrical release of Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023.

Director Jason Reitman and writer Gil Kenan confirmed on Ghostbusters Day, June 8th, that the Ghostbusters sequel to Ghostbusters: Afterlife is currently carrying the code name of 'Firehouse.' The next chapter will return to the original films’ New York City and firehouse setting.

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Satam - 2022-06-29 @ 3:58 am

If it's anything like Afterlife, it will have so many callbacks to Ghostbusters 2, that will pretty much be the entire plot. And it won't be a comedy-not much of one anyway. Swell.

Gold1983 - 2022-06-29 @ 2:33 am


Stranger Things:The Movie Part 2

Bill Murray should have just made that movie Dan A wrote about NYC being Hell. But, noooooo, instead we get this kind of thing. They are still pushing the Ghostbuster girls.

But hey, at least its better than the actual Stranger Things Netflix series. Which is not saying much.

At least maybe we get a little more background on the GBs. Maybe.

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