Nice layout. You have been posting some really good stuff. Ive really enjoyed it.
9 hours ago, Outsiders said:I only saw AWIL once or twice and that was 35 years ago... Like I can even remember what I did a week ago.
Like you said in the other thread, you should give it another watch.
1 hour ago, Satam said:You really don't remember American Werewolf In London. These guys are from a nightmare David has while in the hospital.
I only saw AWIL once or twice and that was 35 years ago... Like I can even remember what I did a week ago.
1 hour ago, Outsiders said:I'm trying to remember but are these Demons from a movie? It seriously looks messed up enough to be some sort of horror movie.
You really don't remember American Werewolf In London. These guys are from a nightmare David has while in the hospital.
I'm trying to remember but are these Demons from a movie? It seriously looks messed up enough to be some sort of horror movie.
Now I'm going to have nightmares... Get it. Nightmares.... I crack myself up.
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