pretty much all of these are must haves, but it's really all about that Rhino Alien and the S.O.D. fig
Every time i think i'd done for Neca for a while... well they grab me back. That Pinhead sure was a highlight for longtime fans
The Rhino Alien has hands. WTF?
I'm very excited for Lasershot Predator. I can't really seem to grasp the bigness of that Rhino Alien. Since the NECA Fan Event itwhat described as massive but I'm not feeling it. I can see it's nearly the same height as a Predator and those guys are near the 8 inch scale yet I thought the Rhino would be longer from head to tail. Maybe it's one of those "see it in person" moments.
both the Ultimate Sam and the toony terrors catch my eye so far, perhaps i'd love to pick them up someday qwq
When I watched Alien: Covenant for the first time the design of the Neomorph really stood out to me and I'm glad the figure captures the aesthetic from the film.
Oddly enough, they arent showing anything I really want. I miss their video game licensed figs. But I consider this a blessing since so much other great stuff is releasing. The Aliens and Pred stuff are pretty sweet as always tho.
The Ultimate Big Chap is a must have. The new Kenner Aliens look amazing as well.