Hope this is the firtsof many releases in the Kill Bill universe, for me Bill, Elle and Pai Mei are a must.
8 hours ago, Thinwheat said:What are your guys' thoughts on rooted hair for 1/6? The pictures always make the hair look good, but once in hand, rooted hair needs a lot of work or it has that fake hair Barbie look.
Root hair looks cheap for sure. I personally think it shouldn't exist on my 1:6 collection at all. However, there are characters that I like but for sure won't get a sculpt hair treatment. End up getting the Hot Toys Wonder Woman. Despite hating the rooted hair, still got it because of a good deal.
1 hour ago, Thinwheat said:Something is off. I can tell it's supposed to be her, but the likeness isn't spot on. Not sure why though.
It's the nose.
What are your guys' thoughts on rooted hair for 1/6? The pictures always make the hair look good, but once in hand, rooted hair needs a lot of work or it has that fake hair Barbie look.
13 hours ago, THEAnimeHERO said:Is it just me or isthe nose is a tad bigger than Uma Thurmans?
Something is off. I can tell it's supposed to be her, but the likeness isn't spot on. Not sure why though.
Is it just me or isthe nose is a tad bigger than Uma Thurmans?