Is your skin all grainy and has a realistic, turtle-like texture? Do you want to make it smoother, but only on your face (while keeping a very textured body)? Then Turtle Wax was made for you! This week,
Mezco Toyz announced a new
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set, a
Deluxe Animated Series edition, and their faces had the internet wondering if they had some work done: "
No surgery needed there, dude! Just Turtle Wax!"

Usually, I really hate $25 repaints, but this $400 repaint set is really worth every penny! Smoother skin but just on the faces, less accessories so you get to save more space, plus they used Turtle Wax! It's a no-brainer!" said a collector, very excited about the new announcement. The
Turtle Wax first made its appearance in the 1990 TMNT movie, but what we didn't know is that the turtles kept using it that whole time. Their skin does indeed looks
very smooth!

Warning: Use
Turtle Wax with moderation, otherwise your skin will get so smooth that you might have trouble closing your eyes and will end up looking
dead inside. See Donatello's head on
EVERY PICTURES from the new set for more info.

More news at 11:00... "
Ointment? - No... Turtle Wax!"
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!
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