@Satamthank goodness ?
16 minutes ago, Faceless said:Looking at her original filecard (1998), I see her secondary specialty is martial arts. But yes, Jinx was primarily a ninja. Maybe since they've gotten so much use out of this mold at this point, they could spring for a new one for Jinx.
At Comic Con in San Diego, John Warden said Jinx would be all new.
9 hours ago, Frozentenderloin said:I may be wrong, but Jinx is kind of a ninja character herself. Her whole deal is martial arts. That said, If they did release Jinx, that is one I'd pick up despite my previous statement since I liked her character in the old animated movie.
Looking at her original filecard (1998), I see her secondary specialty is martial arts. But yes, Jinx was primarily a ninja. Maybe since they've gotten so much use out of this mold at this point, they could spring for a new one for Jinx.
The design looks cool, but her top really seems to inhibit alot of her arm articulation. That's the only thing keeping me from liking the figure.
3 hours ago, Frozentenderloin said:I may be wrong, but Jinx is kind of a ninja character herself. Her whole deal is martial arts. That said, If they did release Jinx, that is one I'd pick up despite my previous statement since I liked her character in the old animated movie.
You're not wrong. Jinx is a member of the Arashikage ninja clan and Storm Shadow's cousin.
I didn't realize this was a reuse of the Movie Akiko figure, which you can currently get for a song pretty much anywhere.
13 hours ago, Faceless said:I didn't know Vypra was a ninja character prior to this release. I remember her as a repaint of Jinx released with a Stinger re-release around 2002.
I may be wrong, but Jinx is kind of a ninja character herself. Her whole deal is martial arts. That said, If they did release Jinx, that is one I'd pick up despite my previous statement since I liked her character in the old animated movie.
It's weird they gave this character double jointed elbows despite using one of the worst bucks still in circulation, but the Steel Corps female trooper doesn't have them (meaning she can't hold a rifle at all). Oh well.
I didnt realize the skull mask was a separate piece so thats cool. But she still just isnt looking that cool to me so ima pass.
Nice that they gave this body double elbows now. I'm still not sure I'll get her though