Well... I went to www.kingbotz.com and found nothing fishy. I DID find the photo that I was looking for of the original head. There are things that I like from both bots, but ultimately I like the new one better.
It would be sweet to see Hasbro make a new combiner along the lines of this big guy. Great work!
cleaned up the thread, keep it civilSomething happen after I left?
I wish they'd remake G1 Devastator now since they are using him in the movie.
You didn't miss anything. Some comments made in bad taste.
I am disappointed that there has yet to be a Classics combiner robot that isn't just a repaint of an Energon or RID mold. I've been digging the customs on tformers.com!
cleaned up the thread, keep it civil
Something happen after I left?
I wish they'd remake G1 Devastator now since they are using him in the movie.
Thats one big robot...My kid would love that!
cleaned up the thread, keep it civil
That's just incredible. Breathtaking!
I'm trying to remember the pictures from a couple years ago. Didn't it have a different head?
I managed to keep my Devastator in the dining room for two months before she finally made me move him out to the garage.
Man that is awesome! I wish I had that in my basement.Shoot... If I had the talent to build something like that it be proudly displayed in my living room...
I would, but I think that is where my wife would draw the line. LOL!