Iremember him being generally sympathetic in John Carpenter's generallymisguided Village of theDamned,and I understand he does good work in Street Smart, a film more well-known for launching Morgan Freeman'scareer. Didn't he work on a critically-respected tele-movie reworking of Rear Window?
I rememberseeing Superman as a kid at the cinemas. When the credits rolled at the endsome dude, who worked at the cinema, tried to impress everybody by walking upand down the aisles in a Superman suit. I still remember people saying"That's not him!" Thankfully were too cynical for that type ofass-clownery these days.
As for Reeve he was a goodSuperman but I dont remember ever seeing him in anything else.
I thought he wasrather stiff and I did not like him in the part very much. However, I saw himlater in Deathtrap (1982) and began to appreciate his abilities. I do believethat he truly came into his own after his accident, when he not only fundedresearch to help solve the problems of paralysis, but carried on as an actorand also became a world-renowned spokesman. A quote of his that I have alwaysliked is:
"Your body is not who you are. The mind andspirit transcend the body."
I think he did that very well.
of course the best superMan..!
This figure has been 15 years in the making. I always wanted a chris reeve superman since the day I first watched superman the movie. It became a labor of love when I finally started it after DC direct released the New Krypton figure. I wanted to find just the right sized body and scale. I wanted as movie accurate as possible. I obsessed about it. I sculpted the boots, gave the head a brand new paint job. Gave the body a custom paint job, sculpted the belt as well. Used and Sculpted the cape from a DCUC figure. whole figure is sealed to retain as much articulation as possible. I still think I could do better but I hope that you guys like this as much as I do. Because its my favorite figure I have ever made. Going to make another one and put it up to bid
Head: DC Direct New Krypton superman
body: WWE mattel legends Terry Funk
boots and belt: Sculpted with avis sculpt
Cape: DCUC superman
This is really great! We need an official Chris Reeve figure.