I see ALOT of swapped out cobra commanders in that DVD packs future @hmmm@ @grumpy@
Yeah, I'd have to agree, but only because the made so many versions of the Closed-Fisted mold-- why'd we have to buy another one to get the red crystals when they were planning to give us the CC of our dreams in the last pack that completes the MASS Device! Shenanigans!
I see ALOT of swapped out cobra commanders in that DVD packs future @hmmm@ @grumpy@
I'm going to have to get my hands on several of those Dukes so I can get to customizing and produce a proper Duke. Assuming Hasbro doesn't already have another in the works. Which if anyone pays my posts any mind, knows I'm all about Duke.
man this set is killer. now why couldnt they have made CC like this one in the first place.
I never had the original Rattler. I always wanted one and never could find one. Although I did have the Conquest, (not anymore, I sold all my old joes on eBay years ago). As for the difference, I can't say since I'm not opening up the new ones. I'm just keeping them in the box and displayed on shelf. I'm glad they came in this way though. Remember the good ole days when you had to snap all the pieces together and affix the stickers to them.
I like this claw, at least all the pieces wont get loose and look and feel like crap.
The Rattler and the conquest are the same minus cockpits.
I still have both: The Rattler and The Conquest. Do you know if there's something new or different from the old version?
I know this is nothing to do with the above article but just thought I'd let you all know that Conquest and Rattler is out now exclusively at Target. I was lucky to find the last ones of both today. YO JOE!!!!
Dang! Too bad Gamemaster is in this Best of '80s set. @grumpy@
Does anybody know the name of the episodes where G.I.Joes and Cobra teamed up to fight the Toy Man and all his toy arsenals?Is that the one with the robot Cobra Commanders and the balloons that popped with gas in them? I am thinking it was called The Games Master or something like that.
Two different episodes.
"The Gamesmaster" involves Flint, Lady Jaye, Cobra Commander, and Baroness being kidnapped by a toy-obsessed genius. Those kidnapped AND the organizations they represent team up to win the day.
"The Funhouse" is the one Blackmada's thinking of, where Cobra traps a handful of Joes in what amounts to a booby-trapped carnival.
Both episodes, IMO, are pretty darn good. Two of my faves, at least.