how is an asian character too asian looking? thats as bad as the clown that said the new bazooka looks too hispanic.
But Bazooka is a white guy.
I think Tunnel Rat looks great. He's my most wanted figure so far for 2009.
how is an asian character too asian looking? thats as bad as the clown that said the new bazooka looks too hispanic.
They all look fine to me, I guess I'm not that picky...
I like all four of them. Tunnel Rat's face looks unique, I'll give it that, but I don't think it looks bad. Storm Shadow looks pretty sweet. I'm usually not a fan of anything non-classic, but he looks cool and I like the colors. I also like how Hasbro made Dice's mask and accessories, maybe we'll see he and Slice soon.
Destro looks different, but I don't hate it. I don't love it, but he looks okay. Shockwave(blast) looks awesome! I love all the accessories he comes with, and that gas mask looks so cool! I can't wait to find these in stores.
I like all of these except for the Destro...that figure is complete crap.
Shockwave could end up being one of my favorite figures from the 25th line though...he looks great!
got them the day before christmas. tunnel rat & shockwave are great. yeah tr face is a bit asian looking but they actually nailed the height on him. shockwave is all sorts of awesome with some fantastic weapons. the gas mask is awesome and one of the best accessories they have done for the whole line.
destro & ss are another story, they are both just really strange. destro is gigantic/freaky tall. also has these weird spiked things on his feet and the colors are just strange. ss is strange cause he is a ninja but has all this stupid armor on, doesn't make sense.
luckily destro & ss have some custom potential. destro has a removeable scarf & removeable chest plate. ss also has some other helmet which can be customized into cobra ninja dice.
hasbro should have just made tr & sw together and ditched destro & ss.
The head is way to tooned out it looks like a carved style sigma six toon head. it doesn't fit the body at all compared to the resolute Duke and Cobra Troopers. Look at or compare it to quick kicks bruce lee style mugg.
I was very much looking forward to this figure especially after getting the resolute Duke with it now being my Favorite version of all time.
This is by far the worst head sculpt since the 25th line started
Very dissapointed
They were listed as in stock yesterday, probably sold out. As for Hama, I think everyone knows TR is supposed to be molded after him, at least the original one was. I don't know if I see the resembelance here though.
Ok maybe a little resembelance.
My last comment, I promise. If you go to the yojoe website and check out the vintage 1987 Tunnel Rat, you will see that this figure is a pretty darn good homage, even the head and face. The other interesting fact you will read, is Hasbro use to model a lot of the head sculpts after real people, people who worked at Hasbro, and Tunnel Rat is actually modeled after Larry Hama, the comic book writer. I have never seen pictures of Hama, but apparently he's an ugly, squintty eyed little b#stard.
an image from the Joe Wiki:
Apparently Hama is not an ugly, squinty eyed little bastid...