I like that new Flint face for some reason? Looks kinda cartoony and cool. The ultra serious stuff is starting to get bland with me. This adds a welcome touch, a little more fun with it.
Well at least he's not screaming like Duke @loll@
I like that new Flint face for some reason? Looks kinda cartoony and cool. The ultra serious stuff is starting to get bland with me. This adds a welcome touch, a little more fun with it.
Got the new Cobra 5 pack yesterday and the Viper that comes with it rules! I think it's the same Viper as the HOH, this is an excellent figure now.
Too bad it wasn't this way from the start.......
I like the Beachhead, Flint, Version 1 Snake-Eyes, and the Viper. The rest I can pass on. And I really wanted the Version 2 Snake-Eyes; that's my favorite version of my favorite character. But they made his gray highlights, which should be darker on the original anniversary release even, even lighter on this version it seems. And they gave him those funky lower DVD pack legs, whereas I felt like the lower legs with the combat boots were an improvement over even the original vintage figure. Just a missed opportunity. Cheap rehashes and unecessary repaints just water down this otherwise excellent line.
My first thought was "horse face".
I don't get it. Why would they make a new head, especially one that bad, when the other three versions all share the same head.
Whoa! Why the long face?
Reminds me of Ash from Army of Darkness.
Wait, now I'm confused. He didn't say "new" he said "different (better)" so how is that not a "new" head?
The 'new' head I was refering to is this one that comes in the Joe 5-pack:
IMO this head is very sucky. the HOH has the same Flint head as Tiger Force Flint only painted to match the HOH body. Which IMO is better.
I was hoping the supposed exclusive decos would finally yield a Sunbow Flint.3) That is not the same Flint as the upcoming / just released boxset. He has a different (better) head and better paint apps (shown in the photos anyway) in the HOH I purposely held off buying the craptacular Joe boxset, and other Flint versions waiting for this inevitable one because I knew the HOH version would be better. Take that everyone who disagreed with me! I'd post some comparisson pics but..... y'know..... The only drawback I can see is the 'muck' on his and Beachead's boots, I haven't decided if I like it or not.Why would they remake Flint's head? Why would they remake it and not us it for both when they've done the same for eveyrone else? Except for the B.A.T., there are NO new parts.
It is NOT a new head! It is the SAME one used on the previous Flint figures. However, they did remake Flint's head for the boxset, which is new.
No it's not a new head and I never said it was. Yes, they're all repaints. Again, what did you expect?
I was referring to pesatyel's post, so you don't have to be so hostile.
Wasn't trying to be hostile. Appologies.
I was hoping the supposed exclusive decos would finally yield a Sunbow Flint.3) That is not the same Flint as the upcoming / just released boxset. He has a different (better) head and better paint apps (shown in the photos anyway) in the HOH I purposely held off buying the craptacular Joe boxset, and other Flint versions waiting for this inevitable one because I knew the HOH version would be better. Take that everyone who disagreed with me! I'd post some comparisson pics but..... y'know..... The only drawback I can see is the 'muck' on his and Beachead's boots, I haven't decided if I like it or not.Why would they remake Flint's head? Why would they remake it and not us it for both when they've done the same for eveyrone else? Except for the B.A.T., there are NO new parts.
It is NOT a new head! It is the SAME one used on the previous Flint figures. However, they did remake Flint's head for the boxset, which is new.
No it's not a new head and I never said it was. Yes, they're all repaints. Again, what did you expect?
I was referring to pesatyel's post, so you don't have to be so hostile.
Wait, now I'm confused. He didn't say "new" he said "different (better)" so how is that not a "new" head?
Package foil is different whereas the originals have silver foil unlike this ver, which has gold
I see that, Even the "Cobra Enemy" is at a different angle. But is that REALLY worth the extra money? I mean if they had the figure posed differently or put on the card different or something.
I was hoping the supposed exclusive decos would finally yield a Sunbow Flint.3) That is not the same Flint as the upcoming / just released boxset. He has a different (better) head and better paint apps (shown in the photos anyway) in the HOH I purposely held off buying the craptacular Joe boxset, and other Flint versions waiting for this inevitable one because I knew the HOH version would be better. Take that everyone who disagreed with me! I'd post some comparisson pics but..... y'know..... The only drawback I can see is the 'muck' on his and Beachead's boots, I haven't decided if I like it or not.Why would they remake Flint's head? Why would they remake it and not us it for both when they've done the same for eveyrone else? Except for the B.A.T., there are NO new parts.
It is NOT a new head! It is the SAME one used on the previous Flint figures. However, they did remake Flint's head for the boxset, which is new.
No it's not a new head and I never said it was. Yes, they're all repaints. Again, what did you expect?
I was referring to pesatyel's post, so you don't have to be so hostile.