Yes I have.He is the Doctor. Essentially a mix of Dr. Mindbender & CC.
He doesn't wear a business suit that is all James McCullen.
His name is not Destro.
This movie is Sigma Six.
How do we know that?
Some people got to see the script. It floated around a bit. Also the filecards give some clues and the casting and file card pics help a lot as well.
Btw I'm really glad Destro is not his last name, It's so much better that way. Kinda of how DDP revlead DeCobray was not really the Baroness's last name.
Yes I have.He is the Doctor. Essentially a mix of Dr. Mindbender & CC.
He doesn't wear a business suit that is all James McCullen.
His name is not Destro.
This movie is Sigma Six.
How do we know that?
this clip changed my entire outlook of the film. I thought for sure paramount was hiding a pile of crap and just didnt want anyone to see it. But man that trailer sold me on a good summer action flic. Cant wait to see it!
Hadn't seen it here but they showed a clip of the movie during the Super Bowl. Looks like it is going to be pretty cool. Can't wait to see it.
Has anybody anywhere seen any photos of Cobra Commander yet?
Yes I have.
He is the Doctor. Essentially a mix of Dr. Mindbender & CC.
He doesn't wear a business suit that is all James McCullen.
His name is not Destro.
This movie is Sigma Six.
I can see him in a black uniform instead of his blue one
Or a business suit.......possibly like the convention exclusive.
I can see him in a black uniform instead of his blue one
Has anybody anywhere seen any photos of Cobra Commander yet?
its suppose to be a surprise! from what i read about the chracter, he's still a devious sneaky snake as he always been. i heard the young actor will do a chris litta like voice and adding his own. either way its not the looks its how he acts...and judging from the is intressting....cobra commander and baroness have a spiecal conntaction though. might be outragous to some--but i like the idea.
Has anybody anywhere seen any photos of Cobra Commander yet?
Not that I know of........but I think that's when the Sheet is gonna hit the fan.......fanboys everywhere will cry out!!!! @loll@
What are the chances that they got him right????
Has anybody anywhere seen any photos of Cobra Commander yet?