First 50 mintutes A+
Final 40 minutes D
there was one more character I couldn't make out because they only showed his head and shoulders. He was either black or a dark mexican or something.. short dark hair. white turtleneck under a dark shirt and a vest like the many of other guys wear. He was standing to the right in the group shot, and in front.That's who I was thinking was Airborn?
Airborne is between Stalker and Gung Ho. And Dial Tone is a woman in this universe too, according to the official Resolute website. So I see no reason for this not to be Ripcord. It's not going to be anyone else except maybe Alpine. But if it WAS Alpine, he'd definitely have more to say about Bazooka being KIA.
Could be Iceberg with the white turtleneck and all?
Its actually Ripcord. He helps Scarlett and Duke suit up for the drop in Siberia.
I'm loving this cartoon. 5 minutes of pure awesomeness. Thank god for people uploading to YouTube so I can see it in the UK. I'm really loving every second of it and I can't wait to see more. Just a small question. Does anyone know the studio responsible for the animation? Me and my friends saw this and we seem to recognise it, but we can't place it
If you don't care, don't bring it up. I was just correcting your assumption.And the reason I don't get along with most other collectors is that I have the ability to function as an adult, unlike the vast majority of people who frequent message boards dedicated to collecting. Step into the Masters of the Universe forum or read any of CLAM's posts and you'll get an idea.
As far as my attitude goes...I'd rather be a jerk and say what everyone else is thinking than be a 46-year-old man throwing a tantrum over there not being a G.I. Joe cartoon on the air regularly and assigning false political conspiracy theories as to why the aforementioned cartoon doesn't exist. No wonder the DHS has issued a report on right-wing extremists. I'm ashamed to share many of the same ideals as crazies like yourself. Not ashamed enough to convert to the other side, mind you, but it's pretty sobering and makes me question just who I ally myself with. That's the only political statement I will make, and it's also the last time I'll visit this thread.
Glad you made such an effort to steer this thing away from politics and personal insults...good job on you! Now drop it!
If you don't care, don't bring it up. I was just correcting your assumption.
And the reason I don't get along with most other collectors is that I have the ability to function as an adult, unlike the vast majority of people who frequent message boards dedicated to collecting. Step into the Masters of the Universe forum or read any of CLAM's posts and you'll get an idea.
As far as my attitude goes...I'd rather be a jerk and say what everyone else is thinking than be a 46-year-old man throwing a tantrum over there not being a G.I. Joe cartoon on the air regularly and assigning false political conspiracy theories as to why the aforementioned cartoon doesn't exist. No wonder the DHS has issued a report on right-wing extremists. I'm ashamed to share many of the same ideals as crazies like yourself. Not ashamed enough to convert to the other side, mind you, but it's pretty sobering and makes me question just who I ally myself with. That's the only political statement I will make, and it's also the last time I'll visit this thread.
Post count doesn't mean anyone's new, holmes. My old account stopped being accessible when the site changed and did the whole "You must log in at EnewsI to access everything" crap. The changeover from Roadrunner to Comcast didn't help, since it rendered my old e-mail address inaccessible as well.
Don't really care what your history is either. Your current attitude is evident enough.
I've been here for quite a long while...I just don't really partake in much discussion. I'm fairly incompatible with others who enjoy the same hobby I do.
Post count doesn't mean anyone's new, holmes. My old account stopped being accessible when the site changed and did the whole "You must log in at EnewsI to access everything" crap. The changeover from Roadrunner to Comcast didn't help, since it rendered my old e-mail address inaccessible as well. I've been here for quite a long while...I just don't really partake in much discussion. I'm fairly incompatible with others who enjoy the same hobby I do.
Here's an idea. Keep the discussion on cartoons and toys and move the political garbage somewhere it belongs, which isn't here.The DEBATE over why the retailers might be putting the kibosh on the Resolute toys and how that might be affecting the cartoon even....IS POLITICAL! Conflict, war, death and mayhem the MILITARY is what's being discussed as being a possible (politcal) reason behind why certain individuals (in the retail business) would have an issue to begin with. If the debate over it is too intense for you, or too political for your enjoyment, I sugggest you skip over it, find another topic without it or give up your interst in G.I.Joe altogether as it's chuck full of politcally charged background and it or not. Merely citing G.I.Joe as the REAL AMERICAN HERO can cause political debate these days.
This isn't BARBIE DOLLS!
I SUGGEST you REMEMBER that THIS is a TOY board and SPARE us your CONSPIRACY theories as to WHY retailers aren't STOCKING something YOU want THEM to STOCK. POLITICS has NOTHING to do with ALL comes DOWN to WHAT they THINK will SELL, and G.I. JOE isn't SELLING beyond COLLECTORS, which DON'T make UP much OF the TOY-BUYING market WHEN all IS said AND done, NO matter WHAT you MIGHT think in THAT warped BRAIN of YOURS. STOP derailing a TOPIC about a DAMN cartoon WITH your IDIOTIC ramblings ABOUT a MANUFACTURED conspiracy TO keep G.I. JOE off TOY shelves. IF it WAS such A big DEAL, we WOULDN'T have THE CORPS at WAL-MART or THE various MILITARY accessories and FIGURES Toys R Us STOCKS. THE niche MARKET G.I. Joe SERVES is BUT a SMALL part OF the RETAIL business, IT has NOTHING to DO with WHATEVER you're CONJURING up IN your TOO plentiful SPARE time.
Annoying reading #$@# like that, isn't it?
Anyway, G.I. Joe, like Transformers, has always been a toy commercial. Stop reading so much into it. Take the tin foil hat off, and stop assuming all of us are blathering idiots who know nothing about the world or the skewed politics you're so fond of ranting about. Many of us come to places like this to escape being bombarded by this crap day in and day out, we don't need you channeling Art Bell here.
So I guess you're here to dictate policy, control the flow of discussions based on what YOU want to read and participate in and lecture those that don't comply?
Your kind come and go like old men on v i a g r a with weak bladders! (and I oughta know)
Here's a friendly tip:
LIGHTEN UP and try to make more friends than enemies when you're the new kid in town.
Looks like I may have to check this out.
Here's an idea. Keep the discussion on cartoons and toys and move the political garbage somewhere it belongs, which isn't here.The DEBATE over why the retailers might be putting the kibosh on the Resolute toys and how that might be affecting the cartoon even....IS POLITICAL! Conflict, war, death and mayhem the MILITARY is what's being discussed as being a possible (politcal) reason behind why certain individuals (in the retail business) would have an issue to begin with. If the debate over it is too intense for you, or too political for your enjoyment, I sugggest you skip over it, find another topic without it or give up your interst in G.I.Joe altogether as it's chuck full of politcally charged background and it or not. Merely citing G.I.Joe as the REAL AMERICAN HERO can cause political debate these days.
This isn't BARBIE DOLLS!
I SUGGEST you REMEMBER that THIS is a TOY board and SPARE us your CONSPIRACY theories as to WHY retailers aren't STOCKING something YOU want THEM to STOCK. POLITICS has NOTHING to do with ALL comes DOWN to WHAT they THINK will SELL, and G.I. JOE isn't SELLING beyond COLLECTORS, which DON'T make UP much OF the TOY-BUYING market WHEN all IS said AND done, NO matter WHAT you MIGHT think in THAT warped BRAIN of YOURS. STOP derailing a TOPIC about a DAMN cartoon WITH your IDIOTIC ramblings ABOUT a MANUFACTURED conspiracy TO keep G.I. JOE off TOY shelves. IF it WAS such A big DEAL, we WOULDN'T have THE CORPS at WAL-MART or THE various MILITARY accessories and FIGURES Toys R Us STOCKS. THE niche MARKET G.I. Joe SERVES is BUT a SMALL part OF the RETAIL business, IT has NOTHING to DO with WHATEVER you're CONJURING up IN your TOO plentiful SPARE time.
Annoying reading #$@# like that, isn't it?
Anyway, G.I. Joe, like Transformers, has always been a toy commercial. Stop reading so much into it. Take the tin foil hat off, and stop assuming all of us are blathering idiots who know nothing about the world or the skewed politics you're so fond of ranting about. Many of us come to places like this to escape being bombarded by this crap day in and day out, we don't need you channeling Art Bell here.