more resolute stuff would be nice i would love to have more figures of resolute characters and possibly vehicles
Your new here so I'll try to cut you some slack.But WHAT "original G.I. Joe" are you talking about? The old Sunbow and DiC toons? Some of those were TERRIBLE. The Gamemaster, for example. Or the one with the neanderthals. Or the one with the ghosts. Just a few examples.
I agree about the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow subplot though.
i wouldnt say dat im new here. been visiting regularly 4 many years. jus havent been much of a participant in da forums as of late.
yes, im talkin bout da sunbow joe toons. all of us hav diff tastes so if u dont like it, dats cool. same way i dont like resolute n others do. but my complaints bout resolute r specific. u seem 2 b pointing out da absurdities of da original joe cartoon. but dat was a diff time than now. toons r radically diff. but as far as storytelling, entertainment, n characterization, n even themes, resolute cant hold a candle 2 anything from da originals.
granted resolute is a stand-alone, i understand that n tryin 2 compare an hour to several years aint necessarily fair. but lumpin all da original concepts n comparin it 2 resolute is wut im talkin bout. an ep here n there like ur doin aint how im makin my comparisons if im makin sense.
if resolute is better dan da original joe cartoon as a whole, then tell me in wut way. cuz i can watch any ep of da original gijoe n luv it n not jus 4 nostalgia. yet i could barely make it thru resolute.
Nevermind. My eyes hurt.
Your new here so I'll try to cut you some slack.But WHAT "original G.I. Joe" are you talking about? The old Sunbow and DiC toons? Some of those were TERRIBLE. The Gamemaster, for example. Or the one with the neanderthals. Or the one with the ghosts. Just a few examples.
I agree about the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow subplot though.
i wouldnt say dat im new here. been visiting regularly 4 many years. jus havent been much of a participant in da forums as of late.
yes, im talkin bout da sunbow joe toons. all of us hav diff tastes so if u dont like it, dats cool. same way i dont like resolute n others do. but my complaints bout resolute r specific. u seem 2 b pointing out da absurdities of da original joe cartoon. but dat was a diff time than now. toons r radically diff. but as far as storytelling, entertainment, n characterization, n even themes, resolute cant hold a candle 2 anything from da originals.
granted resolute is a stand-alone, i understand that n tryin 2 compare an hour to several years aint necessarily fair. but lumpin all da original concepts n comparin it 2 resolute is wut im talkin bout. an ep here n there like ur doin aint how im makin my comparisons if im makin sense.
if resolute is better dan da original joe cartoon as a whole, then tell me in wut way. cuz i can watch any ep of da original gijoe n luv it n not jus 4 nostalgia. yet i could barely make it thru resolute.
Nevermind. My eyes hurt.
Your new here so I'll try to cut you some slack.But WHAT "original G.I. Joe" are you talking about? The old Sunbow and DiC toons? Some of those were TERRIBLE. The Gamemaster, for example. Or the one with the neanderthals. Or the one with the ghosts. Just a few examples.
I agree about the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow subplot though.
i wouldnt say dat im new here. been visiting regularly 4 many years. jus havent been much of a participant in da forums as of late.
yes, im talkin bout da sunbow joe toons. all of us hav diff tastes so if u dont like it, dats cool. same way i dont like resolute n others do. but my complaints bout resolute r specific. u seem 2 b pointing out da absurdities of da original joe cartoon. but dat was a diff time than now. toons r radically diff. but as far as storytelling, entertainment, n characterization, n even themes, resolute cant hold a candle 2 anything from da originals.
granted resolute is a stand-alone, i understand that n tryin 2 compare an hour to several years aint necessarily fair. but lumpin all da original concepts n comparin it 2 resolute is wut im talkin bout. an ep here n there like ur doin aint how im makin my comparisons if im makin sense.
if resolute is better dan da original joe cartoon as a whole, then tell me in wut way. cuz i can watch any ep of da original gijoe n luv it n not jus 4 nostalgia. yet i could barely make it thru resolute.
why do you think that ?it was great just to short. i loved it.i cum from da original skool of gi joe. not da old dolls dat seniors grew up wit but da 80's toys/cartoon. i wasnt xpectin resolute 2 b anywhere near dat level of quality but wut dey gave wasnt even up 2 par wit my xpectations. it wasnt as bad as sigma 6 but it was pretty bad.
da voice acting was terrible. not a single character had a truly distinct voice. characterization was terrible. most of the characters were pretty stiff n one-dimensional. all da same basically xcept for mayb cobra commander n snake eyes n stormshadow. speaking of, dey should've xcluded dat subplot altogether n used dat time 4 character development n exposition. n da deaths were totally unecessary since the characters dat died never even had much for face time. it was meaningless if u werent a die hard joe fan n even if u were, it was still meaningless in this joe incarnation.
dey should leev da animated part of da joe property alone till dey manage 2 get it rite n @ least b on par wit da 80's series. sumthin dat old still holds up well over 20 years later.
Your new here so I'll try to cut you some slack.
But WHAT "original G.I. Joe" are you talking about? The old Sunbow and DiC toons? Some of those were TERRIBLE. The Gamemaster, for example. Or the one with the neanderthals. Or the one with the ghosts. Just a few examples.
I agree about the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow subplot though.
I guess we have different opinions since SS in resolute was one-dimensional especially how he was written like your stereotypical asian villain from the 1980s'
not completely disagreeing but @ least u can compare him 2 sumthin. 4 example, wut made duke, scarlet, or roadblock unique? i cant think of any1 or anything 2 compare em 2 since they were so stiff n cliched.
why do you think that ?it was great just to short. i loved it.i cum from da original skool of gi joe. not da old dolls dat seniors grew up wit but da 80's toys/cartoon. i wasnt xpectin resolute 2 b anywhere near dat level of quality but wut dey gave wasnt even up 2 par wit my xpectations. it wasnt as bad as sigma 6 but it was pretty bad.
da voice acting was terrible. not a single character had a truly distinct voice. characterization was terrible. most of the characters were pretty stiff n one-dimensional. all da same basically xcept for mayb cobra commander n snake eyes n stormshadow. speaking of, dey should've xcluded dat subplot altogether n used dat time 4 character development n exposition. n da deaths were totally unecessary since the characters dat died never even had much for face time. it was meaningless if u werent a die hard joe fan n even if u were, it was still meaningless in this joe incarnation.
dey should leev da animated part of da joe property alone till dey manage 2 get it rite n @ least b on par wit da 80's series. sumthin dat old still holds up well over 20 years later.
I guess we have different opinions since SS in resolute was one-dimensional especially how he was written like your stereotypical asian villain from the 1980s'
why do you think that ?it was great just to short. i loved it.
i cum from da original skool of gi joe. not da old dolls dat seniors grew up wit but da 80's toys/cartoon. i wasnt xpectin resolute 2 b anywhere near dat level of quality but wut dey gave wasnt even up 2 par wit my xpectations. it wasnt as bad as sigma 6 but it was pretty bad.
da voice acting was terrible. not a single character had a truly distinct voice. characterization was terrible. most of the characters were pretty stiff n one-dimensional. all da same basically xcept for mayb cobra commander n snake eyes n stormshadow. speaking of, dey should've xcluded dat subplot altogether n used dat time 4 character development n exposition. n da deaths were totally unecessary since the characters dat died never even had much for face time. it was meaningless if u werent a die hard joe fan n even if u were, it was still meaningless in this joe incarnation.
dey should leev da animated part of da joe property alone till dey manage 2 get it rite n @ least b on par wit da 80's series. sumthin dat old still holds up well over 20 years later.
well, i dont want more from dis team cuz resolute sucked.
why do you think that ?it was great just to short. i loved it.