The Collector Club Updates Us On The G.I.Joe Figure Subscription Service (Update)

by Jay Cochran
August 16, 2011
UPDATE: Though not set in stone, it looks as if these figures will cost in the neighborhood of $25 each.

The folks from the Collector Club have posted on Facebook the following information about their new G.I.Joe Subscription service as well as the club itself. It appears you will have to join the club in order to partake in the subscription service. We have highlighted the specific bullet points about the service below:

•THIS is the Facebook page for the OFFICIAL G.I. Joe Collectors' Club which is operated under license from Hasbro, Inc. We also operate GIJoeCon which is the ONLY official G.I. Joe Convention.

•The official website for the Club is are not a member by liking this Facebook page.

•Officer Level Members (paid) get a monthly magazine and a free figure each year they are an active member. Members also receive special pricing in the online store and free use of the MCAX auction site. There is also a Members Only message board.

•The Club will soon be offering an add-on service to Officer Level Members which will be a Figure Subscription Service. This will be an additional charge to your paid Club Officer Level Membership.

•The Figure Subscription will be 2 carded figures shipped every month for 6 months for a total of 12. Subscribers will receive a 13th figure FREE at the end if the subscription period.

•Figure Subscriptions will only be available to Officer Level (paid) members for a limited time. After the cutoff date, no more subscriptions will be sold for that period of figure mailings.

•The Figure Subscription and Club Membership are TWO different things and you MUST be an active Officer Level member in order to be eligible for the Figure Subscription.

•The 12 figures will be known when the Figure Subscription window opens, but the 13th figure will be a secret. (We hope.) Don't tell when you get yours! :-)

This information is not final, but hopefully it answers SOME questions.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Dake - 2011-08-24 @ 1:20 am

Quarrel uses the Pilot Scarlett headed painted blonde.

As for being a "crappy repaint", Quarrel has always been a repaint of Scarlett. That's the whole cache of the foreign figures is they're interesting and occasionally weird repaints of old American figures. If they kitbashed something new, it would no longer be Quarrel, it would be a blonde generic kitbash they named Quarrel.

I'll agree with you on Dial Tone though - I still can't figure why they used the Buzzer buck for that.

xhairs - 2011-08-22 @ 3:21 pm

i understand what you guys are saying but if they want to do this every yr and get new ppl to join and buy they have to make a good amount of them to sell. also just cuse it has a new head doesn't mean it wont be just a crappy repaint. as Quarrel looks to have a new head and she is still just a crappy repaint. they had alot of female body's to use for her. also that's cool that they will show us what they have coming out as they should. now for the leasing of names im sure brain has a deal with them that covers this as they have been using the names for awhile now so that's nothing new. also yes being a member has a perk or two. but if you haven't joined yet or you have once and never reuped there are reasons for that too.

do i think what they are doing is cool yes but it is all about price and who is in the line up. also they said on there FB page you have to buy the whole set you cant pick and chose who you want. so there's one neg as i know i wont want every fig they put out as the first 2 are a pass for me. now you might be able to sell or trade the ones you don't want. that is taking a chance though. now if you only want 2 or 3 of them it wont be worth the risk of not breaking even for the ones you don't want. time will tell how they do this and handle the orders. alot of ppl have lost faith in the club cuse of the tanks, dial tone and this yrs con set mess up. also the club only has one cool fig out of what ever 20 they do? a new head sculpt will help but if they don't use the right parts to make it look good the head wont be much of a selling point.

Dake - 2011-08-22 @ 1:58 pm

Yeah - it's not an excuse, it's simple math. There's no way the Club will be making these in the same quantities as MOTUC or even show exclusives. Based on the Tfclub, they sold out of their run of Ramjet and Cheetor in a day or less, and that was only club members buying. I'll bet these will number in the hundreds maybe? That is extremely limited in today's market and the cost will be high. Throw in the fact that this is not Hasbro making these directly, consequently the club is likely paying to lease the molds, and character rights for these figures from Hasbro to boot.

You don't have to like it and you don't have to buy it either, but that's the way it works.

I'm probably in because I figure I'll have no problem recouping at least the individual figure cost on ebay if it's something I just can't stand but I'll likely keep most of them.

Jmacq1 - 2011-08-22 @ 12:55 pm

The Club already said that the entire lineup except the 13th "bonus" figure will be announced before subscriptions are taken, so those of you whining that the Club wasn't going to tell anyone what they were going to get were a wee bit off the mark.

Those of you complaining about price don't seem to realize that smaller production runs = higher prices. PERIOD. Even the average SDCC exclusive probably has far more pieces produced than these figures will. Even MotUC probably has a higher number of units produced (especially when you start getting into re-releases, etc...).

Yes, the figures are (supposedly) going to be available (in limited quantities) for club members to buy individually rather than subscribing to the whole lot, at least from what I recall hearing early on...but yes, you'll still need to be a member. Don't forget that being a member also nets you another figure above and beyond the subscription, and opens the door to being able to buy other club exclusives (IE the Joe-Con exclusive sets).

They've confirmed that (at the very least) several new headsculpts are being worked on, so no, not just "crappy repaints." We may not know how the final products will turn out, but it's in the Club's best interest to put out the most awesome figures they can within the constraints they're operating under, the better to entice people to buy further subscriptions. For that reason alone, I suspect we'll be getting a lot more figures that are closer to "Land Ops Wet-Suit" in quality than "Quarrel" or "Nano-Bat."

Yes, I agree the first two offerings are underwhelming, but we'll know more before they actually start soliciting money.

Price? Well, that's up to the individual. For some, $25 + shipping for a genuinely rare/exclusive figure is worth it. For others it might not be. There's a chance the individual figures will cost somewhat less (I heard they're trying to get the pricepoint down to $20), but it's still going to be expensive no matter how you slice it.

Draven79 - 2011-08-22 @ 5:05 am

Im not paying that much!! I will just track down a figure second hand if I need it that bad.


xhairs - 2011-08-21 @ 9:41 pm

Even if they offered a couple of figures I really wanted, I wouldn't do it, just based on the two figures we've already been shown. Why pay for all of the other figures I DON'T want, and pay for a membership I don't want, just for a few figures I might want?

I really don't see how they expect this offer to be successful...

im with you on that my man. the club is out to make money and they make sure to get 100% of there cash back.

Dark Horse - 2011-08-19 @ 12:14 pm

I think they're hesitant to release the names of all 12 figures because they know people won't get the subscription once they see the line-up of craptastic re-paints they probably have coming.

I reckon this is bang on the money.

I'm really hoping for a Baron Ironblood, but that might be asking too much.

DarthJoe - 2011-08-18 @ 11:24 pm

Even if they offered a couple of figures I really wanted, I wouldn't do it, just based on the two figures we've already been shown. Why pay for all of the other figures I DON'T want, and pay for a membership I don't want, just for a few figures I might want?

I really don't see how they expect this offer to be successful...

CaptainTriumph - 2011-08-18 @ 3:59 am

so on top of the club fee and sub fee is it another $50 a month? There are supposed to be 2 figures a month for 6 months for a total of 12 figures right?

I think the figures are rumored to be around 25 dollars a piece.....and if they are 2 a month...thats 50 bucks a month. Unless its one figure a month?? I need to read the article again....

And thats if you only get one figure...I always get 2 figures when I collect.

I just think I'll have to pass on these.

Wheeljack35 - 2011-08-18 @ 3:49 am

WOW I just heard Pixel Dan talk about this sub

I understand the Officer level thing because I am part of the transformers fan club which is exactly the same as the Joe club but to pay more for the sub on top of that and pay $25 per figure and they are 3 and 3/4 inch?

Hell I thought the MOTUC sub was not fair but this one is the worst

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