IMHO, the retail Snake Eyes feel more faithful to the OG cartoon series than the HasbroPulse exclusive. Scarlet, on the other hand,is looking so good! Wishthe eyes had more life to it, through.
5 hours ago, Neovorticism2 said:Something I had not thought about until now is that there are no file cards, I wonder why they decided not to include them, that would have been something interesting to somehow introduce people to what is happening in the world of this new line and explain the tech that's behind all this stuff, the new gear and the weird looking guns.
Those were my exact thoughts when Hasbro released the packaged pix. It seems like such a glaring omission considering how big a part of Joe those original file cards really were. Hama practically invented his whole Joe universe with them.
Yeh these look great to me I personally cant wait to get out and hunt these figures........ eventually lol
22 hours ago, Neovorticism2 said:Indeed, the vizor must have been painted silver, that is one of the hallmarks of the character since v2.
The visor on v2 was blue/gray. That being said, I would love for the all black version to at least have the blue/gray visor.
Some more Scarlett images via shatrdglassjazz
Scarlett's looking good.
The GR version looks dope too! they even painted all the buckles
Go, go Power Rangers!
Aside from the change in weapons (which I like most of you have stated think are bad choices and look awful) the retail version isn't looking half bad, I kind of like both of the versions in their own way, The retail all black version gives the figure a more stealth like look and I dig that where as the contrast in the colors of the exclusive version give it a completely different look, plus the silver visor looks good in its own right, If I could I'd get both of them I would but I think it'll be a pain to get that exclusive one in the country where I live (unless hasbro finds a way to bring it as a store exclusive here somehow)
2 hours ago, SpiderS said:I think they should have added som sort of black metallic paint on the visor or something to make it stand out more.
Would a ninja WANT his wardrobe to "standout more?" Just sayin'.