Defently going to get Scarlett. She is my favourite Female Joe, and I do like the look. I will admit though, I do kind of wish the pants were Purple instead of Grey, even if it was a different shade of Purple. No idea why I feel this way, as the Grey is fine. I guess to have it be a bit of a match to her top and give it a slightly classic look to her, I guess. And I think she should of still at least come with 1 small handgun/side arm, just as a backup or for the situations where she needs a handgun instead of a crossbow. Love her red hair.
I've pre-ordered a case already and I'm excited to get these, but...
Women, they are paid 25% less than males and get 50% fewer elbow joints than them. Can we change at least one of these?
1 hour ago, JayC said:Keep in mind these are $20, that Spawn is $40.
very true...the Kickstarter is a rare glimpse into how driving the price of one product up can drive added value..... even with Haslab, sort of a similar unique insight into product development & offerings ('still kicking myself over not getting Unicron) but not exactly apples to apples to what McFarlane is doing. I'd just be curious to ask Hasbro at some point....(hmm, do they hold virtual Q & A's to compensate for lack of convention experiences?) Why they decide to do the solid color paints...which is not denigrating the overall effort. I'm still very impressed with their product lately and wish they saw a market for even more unique Marvel Legends sets (e.g. first New Warriors team) or associated vehicles & headquarters for ML, Ghostbusters, Gi Joe, etc. But again, price point & margin must come into play when you talk peripherals.
42 minutes ago, AdamM said:I'm still sad to see the broad-paint practices, e.g. anentirely black crossbow & arrows, when Hasbro has the ability to do more. I'm sure its' a cost issue, ok not sure but it's my best guess, but when I see McFarlane announcing new amazing details near daily on his Kickstarter (real chains for the win!) I'm amazed if his profit margin is that much healthier than Hasbro's? Anyway, that aside, this is a very strong figure with an incredibly well molded hair & face sculpt especially. Her costume is respectful to the past while being modern and functional, stylized without being sexist. Overall Hasbro is producing very strong work for this line....I wonder if SDCC had occurred, or via another way of sharing info, if vehicles are coming..'dare to dream.
Keep in mind these are $20, that Spawn is $40.
I'm still sad to see the broad-paint practices, e.g. anentirely black crossbow & arrows, when Hasbro has the ability to do more. I'm sure its' a cost issue, ok not sure but it's my best guess, but when I see McFarlane announcing new amazing details near daily on his Kickstarter (real chains for the win!) I'm amazed if his profit margin is that much healthier than Hasbro's? Anyway, that aside, this is a very strong figure with an incredibly well molded hair & face sculpt especially. Her costume is respectful to the past while being modern and functional, stylized without being sexist. Overall Hasbro is producing very strong work for this line....I wonder if SDCC had occurred, or via another way of sharing info, if vehicles are coming..'dare to dream.
23 minutes ago, mako said:Love that Scarlet! But somebody please tell me that Vinkman is from the old Mattel Ghostbusters line and NOT the Plasma Series. That guy is tiny.
Love that Scarlet! But somebody please tell me that Vinkman is from the old Mattel Ghostbusters line and NOT the Plasma Series. That guy is tiny.
She looks great. I can't wait to pick her and the rest of the line up.