7 hours ago, K9K1N6 said:Ah good, the scarf seems removable, while it doesn't look bad it's just the color choice on it lol.
Ok just like the firefly figure it's promotional images wasn't catching my eye but as i see it is also a mix of like and not like in some places, still it seems like a good figure.
That's the one I want the most from this wave...??
Ah good, the scarf seems removable, while it doesn't look bad it's just the color choice on it lol.
Ok just like the firefly figure it's promotional images wasn't catching my eye but as i see it is also a mix of like and not like in some places, still it seems like a good figure.
6 hours ago, ToyGodOriginal said:Oh ok. You're right though. I can't find any GI Joe's anywhere and these guys will be impossible here in Vegas won't be til later that my local independent toy store that I go to will have it. So I feel what exactly what you're saying. But I do hope you can get your hands on some.
Yeah I'm really hoping that next year this line gets better distribution and starts getting better saturation within the stores, I don't want to feel like I am on the edge of just quitting this line constantly.
43 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:because these figures have almost no presence on any shelves or online here in Canada at all, and all Target Exclusives are Toys R Us Exclusives here and they are even more scarce then at Target, and not a single pre-order made available or a figure being sold online at TRU.
not even talking about the exclusives here, the regular line I've never seen one figure on a peg or shelf here in Canada since they got released, and that is why
Oh ok. You're right though. I can't find any GI Joe's anywhere and these guys will be impossible here in Vegas won't be til later that my local independent toy store that I go to will have it. So I feel what exactly what you're saying. But I do hope you can get your hands on some.
15 hours ago, ToyGodOriginal said:Why won't you be able to get the figure?
because these figures have almost no presence on any shelves or online here in Canada at all, and all Target Exclusives are Toys R Us Exclusives here and they are even more scarce then at Target, and not a single pre-order made available or a figure being sold online at TRU.
not even talking about the exclusives here, the regular line I've never seen one figure on a peg or shelf here in Canada since they got released, and that is why
Our motto at "GI Joe" Hasbro; We Make Joe's. We didn't Make You. Live with it. =^)
7 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:It looks awesome, but I guess I can just be happy with looking at pictures, since no doubt I'll never get this figure. so much fun these figures are Thanks Hasbro!
Why won't you be able to get the figure?
I never found Cobra Trooper in stores. I only got mine through the kindness of others picking it up for me. I found Beachhead and Baroness through a lot of staking out popfinder and calling stores at opening (anything later, and you're way too late).
That said, I have hope that Viper and Firefly will be easier to obtain. Hopefully they will last online and in the stores the way Target exclusive Rogue and Gambit did. Who do you blame for lack of Joe figures on the shelves? We know they sell, we know people want them. Is Hasbro not distributing or is Target not ordering? In any case, let's hope Target understands that people want these figures and order accordingly.
It looks awesome, but I guess I can just be happy with looking at pictures, since no doubt I'll never get this figure. so much fun these figures are Thanks Hasbro!
35 minutes ago, Psyjeff said:What no one seems to be talking about is how damn difficult it is to find this lineoutside of the US. Hasbro really need to sort out the way they distribute their wares.
Well, not to rain on your parade, but there's a very sound, logical reason we don't dwell on how difficult it is finding this line outside the US.
Because we can barely find the bloody things IN the US! Seriously, we're supposedly three waves in, but I've only been able to find series one in stores in the last few weeks . . . and never in great number.
I got so sick of looking I gave up and sold off the ones I DID find.