This week's TNI Cool Custom Of The Week was done by Passion Designs, who has created a custom Masters of the Universe
Plundor's Rabbit Robot 200x figure. Here is how Passion Designs describes the making of this:
This is a custom I have to laugh at. This custom started accidentaly while having craft time at the kitchen table with my kids. I had a foam egg, that I was planning to cut half for another project. So chasing my kids around the table playing "attack of the killer eggs LMAO". I got this idea. For those who dont recongize this robot. He appear in the episode " Quest for Heman" from the 80"s. This is where He-man meets Plundor the polution rabbit destroying the planet and his corny army of attack "Robot Rabbits" .
Recipe - foam egg from Micheals, Doc Ock arms of a pre-school figure, rocket pack from a knock-off Gijoe jet board thing or something lol, apoxy sculpt, tacky glue.
Now the robot in the cartoon was part of polution plant owned by Plundor. Since that is where he is from, I purposely sculpted and paint him roughly. Not the cleanest of lines but well enough . Now when handling this egg, foam was becoming brital, starting to break up. So mixed up some tacky glue and paint the egg with the glue, the tacky glue harden up like a sealant for the egg becoming easy to handle afterwards. What was great also sealing the egg also gave it a rough texture for the shell, in which I though would be a better concept coming from a polution plant. All I have left is to add some more paint detail and a stand for this robot. I love this custom, simple , goofy but a great item for any He-man Collection. ................ Plundor Coming Soon!
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