Hasbro 2023 G.I. Joe Classified Haslab Looks To Be Kicking Off In Early June

by Jay Cochran
May 19, 2023
Hasbro today released another teaser for their 2023 G.I. Joe Haslab campaign which based on this new communique from General Hawk looks to be kicking off in early June. Still not specifics for what it will be other than some kind of Classified Joe vehicle to take on last year's Haslab Classified H.I.S.S. Tank. When more detail become available we will be sure to let you know.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Roadpigmaster - 2023-05-27 @ 12:18 am

Interesting clues... We will see what it is in Yo Joe June ???

ransomz - 2023-05-26 @ 10:49 pm

I am a Wild Bill fan. They've certainly gotten my curiosity up.

Jay666 - 2023-05-26 @ 9:50 pm

Also the dragonfly was re-painted and re-released as the tiger fly so if they're going with the cats out of the bag line for new tiger force recruits this could fit...just guessing but regardless I'm pretty excited to finally find out what it's going to be

Jay666 - 2023-05-26 @ 9:44 pm

Warthog AIFV has 12 letters too

Faceless - 2023-05-26 @ 9:12 pm

I'll be danged, that is a hood on CC. From Hasbro. Not gonna get my hopes up, though. Probably an oversight.

JayC - 2023-05-26 @ 3:28 pm

Hasbro today once again released on of their communique's teasing this years G.I. Joe Haslab campaign. This one shows Storm Shadow breaking into Hasbro to steal a file with the #24 on it. This is the second week in a row Hasbro has highlighted the #24 in these teases.From previous clues we have been able to hypothesize that this year's G.I. Joe Haslab will be for a Classified Joe vehicle to take on last years Cobra H.I.S.S. Tank. The campaign looks to be launching sometime in early June which is just under a week away. With the number 24 being highlighted, that might suggest that the vehicle will be based on the G.I. Joe XH-1 Dragonfly helicopter. The original toy had a 24 decal on one of the engine plates which you can see below. One of the early clues Hasbro dropped also suggested the name of the vehicle would have 12 characters in it which is the same number the name XH-1 Dragonfly has.

Only time will tell and hopefully that time will be short, but right now the clues do seem to be pointing to a new 6" scale G.I. Joe XH-1 Dragonfly helicopter coming which would likely include a new Wild Bild figure and who knows what else. When more details do become available we will be sure to let you know.

ransomz - 2023-05-20 @ 10:21 pm

The 24 could just be that the thing will be out in 2024, but I would be down for a Dragonfly. That was one of my favorite figures back in the day and Wild Bill is pretty cool.

Satam - 2023-05-20 @ 4:45 pm

A lot of people on the Joe forums and groups are reading the "24" as a hint for the Dragonfly, since it had a "24" decal.

Roadpigmaster - 2023-05-20 @ 11:34 am
6 hours ago, jedicrippler said:

"Significant counter-strike capabilities" for some reason makes me think of the HAVOC. And the talk of "new recruits" could be an allusion to the animated film. We've already got Falcon & Tunnel Rat on the way, maybe have Cross Country as the main figure (obviously) but the unlockables could be Chuckles, Jinx with blindfold (so the masked version can still be released in the main line) & Big Lob. All we'd need then is Law & Order to round out the crew.

If that's true, I will be backing this project just like I did with the Hiss tank ??

jedicrippler - 2023-05-20 @ 4:43 am

"Significant counter-strike capabilities" for some reason makes me think of the HAVOC. And the talk of "new recruits" could be an allusion to the animated film. We've already got Falcon & Tunnel Rat on the way, maybe have Cross Country as the main figure (obviously) but the unlockables could be Chuckles, Jinx with blindfold (so the masked version can still be released in the main line) & Big Lob. All we'd need then is Law & Order to round out the crew.

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