I have seen that video numerous times and it never gets old. Thats one of the coolest stop motion joe videos i have seen (besides the robot chicken stuff)
That was pretty cool. I also watched a couple of the others too. I'll have to go back and watch them all. Thanks for the link.
pretty sweet little video right there, its always nice to see some top quality stop animation featuring the Joes
that WAS the coolest thing i have ever seen!!
friggen AWESOME!!
Thanks rev! That guy does really awesome stuff!
Thanks again new guy for sharing, hope to see you more around here.
Thanks JayC for sharing it w/everyone via the news.
Again very creepy. I always loved to have my joes fight monsters when i was a kid. Maybe more often than cobra, and this reminds me of that, as well as one of my favorite movies.
Dude that was really cool. I enjoyed it alot
Very cool, really great work!
that was really cool !
Leave it to the Dreadnok...
That was the only weird thing.