If there was a good day for fans, this would be it. Check out some of the new listings at Entertainment Earth.
Star Trek The Wrath of Khan Communicator Replica
For all those Star Trek fans that have been waiting over 20 years to have a communicator that accurately recreates one of Kirk's most memorable moments on film, your moment is here! Open this up and hear "KHAAAAN!!!" as many times as you like! Featuring flashing lights and phrases from Admiral Kirk, Spock, Khan and Uhura, as well as the authentic communicator chirp sound effects. Features 3 play modes: Voice Clip Mode, Screaming Kirk Mode, and Hail/Call-Back function. Communicator chirps when Communicator is opened or closed. Order yours today!
DC Universe Classics Wave 16 Figures &
DC Universe Classics Wave 16 Revision 1 Figures
Cases include 8 pieces. Assortment breakdown not available at this time. Please note: This item may have variants randomly inserted throughout the production run. We are unable to accept requests for specific variants.
DC Universe Retro-Action Wave 3 Case
This Wave 3 Retro-Action Figure case of 8 figures. Breakdown not determined at this time. Each individually packaged figure stands 8-inches tall in classic, MEGO-style packaging.
Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Die Cast Sonic Screwdriver
Perfectly detailed metallic screwdriver which is based on the 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver - the only difference is, this screwdriver is best use for DIY and not to save the Universe. When in use the screwdriver lights up and makes sounds - just like the Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver does. Three tips are included for large, medium and small screws. Each tip is reversible with Phillips and flat-head ends. While not in use, there is a chamber in the screwdrivers base for top storage.
Doctor Who Levitating Timelord's Spinning Tardis
Learn to levitate this Timelords Spinning Tardis so it actually floats in mid-air! Then with a little flick of the wrist, it's spinning and spinning and spinning ..... It does take a little practice but who doesn't like a challenge? Tardis measures slightly over 3-inches tall and contains magnets. Requires 6x "AA" batteries.
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