Greetings SourceFans! This week we have new pics for the upcoming release of
TFC Toys Exgraver, and
Transformers 2011 Generations Series 4 Sealed Cases are back instock! We've also got preorders of
Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator,
DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime, and finally,
CA-04 Causality Stormbomb and
CA-05 Causality Backfire. We've also got the
TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition instock! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

Greetings SourceFans! This week we have new pics for the upcoming release of
TFC Toys Exgraver, and
Transformers 2011 Generations Series 4 Sealed Cases are back instock! We've also got preorders of
Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator,
DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime, and finally,
CA-04 Causality Stormbomb and
CA-05 Causality Backfire. We've also got the
TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition instock! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!
In this issue of SourceNews:
1. CA-04 Causality - Stormbomb and CA-05 Causality - Backfiery now up for preorder!
2. Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator up for preorder!
3. TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition - Now Instock!
4. Now back in stock: Transformers 2011 Generations Series 4 Sealed Case!
5. Now instock! iGear PP03J Seeker Jet! Other iGear Seekers up for Preorder!
6. Now en route for delivery: Transformers United Tokyo Toy Show Exclusive - Black Version Optimus Prime & Megatron!
7. Now up for preorder: DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime!
8. Now up for Preorder: TFC Toys Exgraver! New Pics!
9. Now Instock: Japanese exclusive DOTM Toys!
10. Now up for Preorder: Transformers Kre-O!
11. CrazyDevy Update! New Preorders!!!!
12. Now up for Preorder: Classics Bumblebee - Devil Horns Custom Kit!
13. Newest Instock items at TFsource
14. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
...And don't forget to check out our latest TFsource Youtube Review of 022 Fansproject Protector and Shadow Scythe Upgrade Sets!
CA-04 - Causality - Stormbomb - by Fansproject
CA-04 - Causality - Backfire - by Fansproject
CA-03 - Causality - Thundershred - by Fansproject
2. Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator up for preorder!Encore #20 is official and it is Encore Devastator himself! Set for a November release, this encore set will breath new life into the previously thought canceled series. Whether he will feature all new packaging or the great Japanese vintage packaging, this is a good sign that the encore line will continue with many popular pieces to come!
Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator
3. TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition - Now Instock!We've added 6 new photos to the album TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition. You can view the album
TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition - Now Instock!
4. Now back in stock: Transformers 2011 Generations Series 4 Sealed Case!AKA the "Warpath" case this case features a great assortment of popular and hard to find generations figures, including Wheeljack, Thundercracker, Kup, Scourge and the elusive Warpath! Finally Hasbro released more of this case, preorders have shipped out and limited stock remains for sale!
Transformers 2011 - Generations Series 04 - Factory Sealed Case
5. Now instock! iGear PP03J Seeker Jet! Other iGear Seekers up for Preorder! We have limited stock of the first wave of shipments available, those who preordered just Seeker Jet will have their preorder processed first, and there is limited stock leftover to fill additional instock orders! Check out the new photos of the final product here!
iGear - PP03J - Seeker JetOther iGear Seekers up for Preorder:
iGear - PP03A - Seeker Attack
iGear - PP03E - Seeker Elegy
iGear - PP03S - Seeker Storm
iGear - PP03AEJ - Seeker Jet - Set of 3 Figures
6. Now en route for delivery: Transformers United Tokyo Toy Show Exclusive - Black Version Optimus Prime & Megatron! This great two pack comes with Transformers Prime & Megatron in an all new black color scheme and a limited edition two pack, only available at the Tokyo Toy Show! Preorder yours today, set for a July release!
Transformers United - Tokyo Toy Show Exclusive - Black Version Optimus Prime & Megatron
7. Now up for preorder: DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime!Rumor has it that this will be an Asian market only release, very limited in its numbers and features none other than the popular RA-24 Buster Prime with all new transforming jetwing backpack! Supposedly this add-on is a memorable part of the Dark of the Moon movie, and based on this. Preorder up now, set for a July release!
DOTM - Transformers - DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime
8. Now up for Preorder: TFC Toys Exgraver! New Pics! This custom figure from TFC toys is the first of six figures that will combine together to form the mighty Hercules! Set for a July release, this great custom figure is ready for preorder now and with TFsource bonus pricing you will save if you preorder 2 or more!
TFC Toys - Hercules - Exgraver
9. Now Instock: Japanese exclusive DOTM Toys! We've managed to pick up just a few of these, including the
DA-03 Optimus Prime with Mechtech Trailer (Voyager Prime),
DA-08 Sideswipe (Supposedly now identical/similar to the US version) and
DA-11 Arcee / Chromia! We will keep working on getting more of the Japanese exclusive DOTM toys, so stay tuned!
TFsource is your Source for Transformers Dark of the Moon Toys!
10. Now up for Preorder: Transormers Kre-O!We were able to see these in person at Botcon, and the Kre-O sets from Hasbro look great! Everything from Prime, to Bumblebee, Megs, to Starscream and more will be released in this first wave! Set for a Fall release, Hasbro said these will be very limited in availability, just hopefully no shortage as we'll do our best to ensure TFsource receives our full shipments!
KRE-O - Transformers - Optimus with Twin Cycles
KRE-O - Transformers - Megatron!
KRE-O - Transformers - Sentinel Prime - Fire TruckClick here to see all of the New KRE-O Transformers up for Preorder!
11. CrazyDevy Update! New Preorders!!!!CDMW-06* Preorder Up! This custom resculpted head piece is made of polyac virgin ABS, includes a gold visor and takes your Superion to the next level! Set for a June release, this is one of the more affordable Devy pieces as well!
CDMW-06* - Aviation Brigade Parts - Custom Head PieceAlso up for Preorder: CDMW-22 Custom LED Head! Take your Menasor to the next level with this resculpted head piece, that includes a switch activated LED light up red eyes! Also set for a July release, and goes great with all of the other Devy Menasor/Stunticon pieces!
CDMW-22 - Auto Brigade Power Parts - Custom LED HeadNow up for Preorder: CDMW-23 - The Kings Power Parts - Articulated Fist Set! Take your predaking to the next level, with this set of Upgraded articulated hands with movable knuckle clusters, enabling 90 degree back and forth movement. And with a hidden bonus, allows you to hold your CDMW-14 more tightly. Set for a July release!
CDMW-23 - The Kings Power Parts - Articulated Fist Set! - Your Source for Custom Crazy Devy Upgrade Kits!
12. Now up for Preorder: Classics Bumblebee - Devil Horns Custom Kit!Nobody saw this one coming... a yellow repaint for the Classics or Henkei Bumblebee! Includes bright blue paint for the eyes and dark grey colors for the weaponry. Classics Henkei Bumblebee sold separately, preorder yours today! Set for a June/July release!
Classics Bumblebee - Devil Horns - Custom Kit - Yellow VersionAnd don't forget we have Classics Cliffjumper - Devil Horns Custom Kit instock!
Classics Cliffjumper - Devil Horns - Custom Kit
13. Newest Instock items at TFsource
Transformers 2011 - Generations Series 04 - Factory Sealed Case
TFX-04C Clear Protector Trailer - Armor - Limited Edition - Now Instock!
iGear - PP03J - Seeker Jet
MGT-01 Arcee
Japanese Transformers Animated - Activators - Exclusive Clear Optimus Prime
PE-11 - Perfect Effect - SFX Scouting Force X - Camera Set
Japanese Transformers Animated - Hyper Hobby Exclusive - Black Rodimus
CA-02 - Causality - Flameblast - by Fansproject
CA-02 - Causality - Warcry - by Fansproject
MP-1L Masterpiece Convoy - Final Edition
MP-05 Masterpiece Megatron
TFX-04 Protector Trailer - Armor - Add on Kit
Reissue - 2010 Predaking - Boxed Set
Primus - Takara Tomy - Reissue
14. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
Encore #20 - Constructicons Devastator
CA-04 - Causality - Stormbomb - by Fansproject
CA-04 - Causality - Backfire - by Fansproject
CA-03 - Causality - Thundershred - by Fansproject
DOTM - Transformers - DA-15 Jetwing Optimus Prime
Transformers United - Tokyo Toy Show Exclusive - Black Version Optimus Prime & Megatron
TFC Toys - Hercules - Exgraver
Classics Bumblebee - Devil Horns - Custom Kit - Yellow Version
MP-08 Masterpiece Grimlock
PE-03 & PE-04 - Perfect Effect - Laser & Buzzer Set
DOTM - Lawson's Exclusive - Battle Blades Dark Side Optimus Prime
Masterpiece Optimus Prime Black Trailer - for MP-01 MP-1L MP-01B
iGear - PP03AEJ - Seeker Jet - Set of 3 Figures
iGear - PP03S - Seeker Storm
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