Greetings from
Crave, the marketplace for fans by fans. Help us ring in the New Year right as both of our December promotions close. The seller contest ends tomorrow at the stroke of midnight. Post those last minute listings to improve your chances at claiming that $50 prize. Also, or New Buyer Promotion ends tomorrow night as well! Make your first purchase on a Crave site before tomorrow to get cash back from us!
Our usual batch of fresh G.I. Joe listings are below as well. Enjoy!
Check out the Photo Tab on Crave!

We have added a photo tab to each of our marketplaces. Now you can view the most recent photos added to Crave as well as see which photos fans are voting up. So
come on in, check out the most recent photos, and vote up your favorites!
Get $5 Back From Crave in January:

Crave is still celebrating new buyers in 2012! We have extended our new buyer promotion through January. If you make your first purchase on any Crave site we will send you $5! So grab that vintage Cobra Commander you’ve been craving, build your collection, and get cash back!
Click here for details or visit
Crave G.I. Joe to start shopping!
Fresh Listings from Crave G.I. Joe:
Below you will find a grouping of fresh listings from Crave G.I. Joe. Also, don't forget that you can visit our other marketplaces as well:
Click here to visit our Transformers Marketplace
Click here to visit our Star Wars Marketplace
Dreadnok Ripper
For sale by Nate Millis
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $12.00 (free shipping!)
Snake Eyes
For sale by Dan Elman
Series: Classic Collection 1982
Condition: Loose - Incomplete
Price: $25.00
For sale by Rish Outfield
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $11.11 (free shipping!)
Crimson Shadow Guard
For sale by Will Jackson
Series: Valor Vs. Venom
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $35.00
Cobra Commander
For sale by Dan Elman
Series: Classics Collection, 1983
Condition: Loose - Incomplete
Price: $17.50
Scarlett - Sand Scorpion
For sale by Will Jackson
Series: Valor vs. Venom
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $6.00
Cobra Red Ninja
For sale by Ted C. Lincoln
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $12.00
Spirit Iron-Knife - Tracker
For sale by Nate Millis
Series: Pursuit of Cobra
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $18.00 (free shipping!)
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Selling on Crave is free, easy, and safe. Here are some of the benefits:
-It is 100% free for sellers
-No Time limits for listings
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-You do not have to list exclusively with us
Click here to get started!
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Facebook Page to stay up to date with Crave, promotions, and news on G.I. Joe figures and the franchise in general. Or, follow us on
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Erin Turner & Kabe Robichaux (Crave founders)

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