Greetings SourceFans!
This week we have new instock items like
Reformatted 01 - Terminus Hexatron,
DR. Wu - DW-TP07 Courageous - Arcee Add-on, and a limited amount of
TFC Toys Uranos F-4 Phantom and F-15 Eagle. Fansproject - Causality CA-12 Last Chance will be instock soon! We also now have preorders up for
10 different Transformers Licensed T-shirts,
TFCon Exclusives Roswell and Van Guardian,
KRE-O Combiners and
Transformers 2013 - Generations Series 04 - Hoist & Thundercracker! Dont' forget to preorder
Reformatted - R-04 - Leo Dux and take advantage of the $15 early bird savings!
Check out the Source Blog for our latest Source Article, Source Review and Source Interview! All this and more... in this week's SourceNews!
In this issue of SourceNews:
Mastermind Creations Hexatron Now Instock! Feral Rex - Leo Dux - Preorder Up!
TFC Toys - Project Ares - Nemean and Wings of the Uranos Set Preorders Up!
Botcon 2013 Figures Now Instock, TFCon Exclusives Preorders Up!
Masterpiece Update! MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe Now Instock!
Fansproject Restock!
Transformers Licensed T-Shirts Up for Preorder!
3rd Party Customs Update!
iGear Mini Warriors - Cogz, Duneraker, Veer & Bushwacker instock
Now up for preorder: Titan Class Metroplex!
Now instock - Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - regular release!
KRE-O Combiner and Generations Wave 04 Preorders Up!
Now up for preorder - Make Toys Paladin/Chaos!
Now Instock - Unique Toys - UT-W02 War Rhino!
Source Blog Updates!
Newest Instock items at TFsource
Newest Preorder items at TFsource

TFSource - now accepting Paypal payments for stacked orders! You asked for it, and now you can pay with a credit card or Paypal for your stacked orders! To learn more about order stacking read here:
Stack your orders, save on shipping, pay with Paypal!
1. Mastermind Creations Hexatron Now Instock! Feral Rex - Leo Dux - Preorder Up!
Now instock - Reformatted - R-01 - Terminus Hexatron! Just arrived in our warehouse, we're busy processing preorders to start shipping out! Order yours here:
Reformatted 01 - Terminus Hexatron
Now up for preorder: MMC's Feral Con Leo Dux! With Early Bird Pricing preorder yours before the deadline and save! Just $110 with a regular retail of $125! Combines with the other 4 Feral Cons to form the awesome Feral Rex! We've also added some new pictures of the combined form of Feral Rex - enjoy! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Reformatted - R-04 - Leo Dux the Squadron Commander
2. TFC Toys - Uranos F-4 Phantom and F-15 Eagle limited stock remaining!
We have limited stock of TFC Toys Uranos F-4 Phantom and F-15 Eagle that came back from Botcon! Order yours at TFource here:
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F-15 Eagle
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F4 Phantom
So far there is no announcement of a giftset and TFC says they're out of the first 2 pieces. We should have Harrier II instock late next week or early the next, and the final piece shipping out at the end of the month. So this may be the only window to pick up all 5 together if they don't do a giftset.
Now up for preorder: TFC Toys Project Ares - Nemean! The first of five Ares Bots that will combine to form the mighty Ares himself. Preorder yours today! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
TFC Toys - Project Ares - Nemean
Also up for preorder - the highly anticipated Wings of the Uranos Set! This set includes the weaponry for the individual combiners, as well as the Blackbird gun, faceplate, chest shield and more! Preorder yours here:
TFC Toys - TFC-08 Wings of the Uranos
3. Botcon 2013 Figures Now Instock, TFCon Exclusives Preorders Up!
TFCon Exclusives - Roswell and Van Guardian - Preorders Up! For those of you that can't make TFCon we will be bringing back a limited amount of stock of the Roswell and Van Guardian Figure! These will start shipping out when we get back from TFCon, the last week of July. We look forward to seeing everyone at TFCon so be sure to stop by the TFSource booth! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
TFCon Exclusive Roswell
TFCon Exclusive Van Guardian
Our Botcon 2013 figures are now instock! Order here!

TFsource - Your source for Botcon exclusives!
Couldn't attend Botcon 2013? TFSource blogger Matt D breaks down all the Botcon goodness on the source blog here:
From the exclusives, panels and guests, upcoming Hasbro TF product reveals and more, read on for all the highlights!
4. Masterpiece Update! MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe Now Instock!
MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe Restock! Great news - we managed to find a reasonable price on some MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe restock! Although we had to pay more than original release cost, still well below the market price and we're passing along the savings! These will be instock later this week or Monday so shipping soon! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor
Now up for preorder: 3 new Masterpieces: Wheeljack, Bumblebee & G2 Sideswipe! Preorder yours here at TFSource:
MP-12G - Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe
MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack
MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee
Note: information is subject to change as these are preliminary listings.
MP-13 Soundwave - 2nd Run Confirmed - Preorders UP! Great news that Takara Tomy has officially announced the 2nd run of MP-13 Soundwave! This is a confirmed run and with the drop in the yen price the 2nd run is even more affordable than the original! Additionally this is causing some 2ndary suppliers to sell their stock of the 1st run and TFsource hopes to have enough stock soon to fill the outstanding preorders on the first run, from the Takara shortage on our first shipment! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave - 2nd Production Run
MP-19 Updated Photos! We now have updated photos of MP-19 Smokescreen. Additionally this figure is now delayed until a December release, so keep this in mind if you are preordering with Bluestreak and Prowl, and if you don't want a delay we recommend using our order stacking feature to manage your orders!preorder yours at TFSource here:
MP-19 - Masterpiece Smokescreen
Now up for preorder - MP-17 Prowl and MP-18 Bluestreak! Preorder here:
Takara Tomy announced that MP-19 smokescreen will be significantly different in design from prowl & bluestreak. Our guess is this will push the release date back further, but no official announcement on this yet.
MP-17 - Masterpiece Prowl
MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak
5. Fansproject Restock!
Fansproject's CA-12 Last chance has shipped out and is en route for delivery to the warehouse! Should be instock soon, order yours here at TFsource:
Fansproject - Causality CA-12 Last Chance
CA-11 Down Force is Now Instock! Preorders are being processed and shipped! Also Fansproject changed the numbering, as this was originally supposed to be CA-12, so we've updated to reflect this. Order yours here:
Fansproject - Causality CA-11 Down Force
Back instock - CA-09 Car Crash and CA-10 T-Bone!
Final restock from Fansproject on these popular pieces! Order yours at TFsource here:
Fansproject - Causality CA-10 T-Bone!
Fansproject - Causality CA-09 Car Crash!
Now instock - Crossfire Colossus Set! We're processing and shipping out orders now. Includes the free mini quake gun that just arrived! order yours here:
Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set - Munitioner and Explorer - by Fansproject
Also back instock: Fansproject - Function X-1: Code! Order here:
Fansproject - Function X-1: Code
New Fansproject Function-X: Smart Robin and Quadruple-U preorders up! Set for an April, May and February release dates, each is $68.95, fully articulated, and features unexpected transformations! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Fansproject - Function X-3: Smart Robin
Fansproject - Function X-2: Quadruple-U
6. Transformers Licensed T-Shirts Up for Preorder!
We've just uploaded some preorders for some great Transformers T-shirts! These are officially licensed and have some great retro, and more modern designs. There are 10 designs in total so check them all out!
To answer some questions:
- Yes they are men's standard cuts and sizes. Keep this in mind when ordering
- They are 100% Cotton
- Unfortunately they don't make larger sizes
Order yours at TFsource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Transformers Licensed T-shirts!
7. 3rd Party Customs Update!
Now instock Dr. Wu Courageous add-on kit! Lots of Dr. Wu received and restocked, check them out at TFsource here:
DR. Wu - DW-TP07 Courageous - Arcee Add-on
Now up for preorder: SXS-R01 - Continuously Variable! These should be instock later this month! Order yours at TFsource here:
SXS-R01 - Continuously Variable
Now instock - Dr. Wu Tyrant Sword: Purple, Red, Green. These are extremely popular and look great in person, so be sure to pick yours up today! Order yours at TFsource here:
Dr. Wu Tyrant Sword
Impossible Toys MC Series - Preorders UP! Up for preorder are all 8 of Impossilbe Toys upcoming MC series toys. Due out in October, order individually or get the full set of 8 and save! Preorder yours here:
Impossible Toys MC Series
Now Back Instock - ToyWorld Aurora and Hardbone! We have back instock the popular duo of ToyWorld's Aurora and Hardbone! Order yours at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your source for Toy World Customs
8. iGear Mini Warriors - Cogz, Duneraker, Veer & Bushwacker instock!
The wait is over! iGear Mini Warriors are now instock! These figures just arrived in our warehouse, and we are starting to process and ship out preorders! Order yours at TFSource here:
iGear - MW-06 & MW-07 Mini Warrior - Duneraker & Veer
iGear - MW-05 & MW-08 Mini Warrior - Cogz & Bushwacker
9. Now up for preorder: Titan Class Metroplex!
He stands an impressive nearly 2' tall! TFSource does not have a guaranteed delivery date so keep this in mind when preordering. Preorder yours at TFSource here:
Transformers Generations 2013 Titan Class - Metroplex
10. Now instock - Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - regular release!
The Long Wait is Over! The BIG Guy Fortress Maximus Now Instock! Standing around 2 feet tall and wielding his master sword, Fortress Maximus and the 25 year wait is now over! Order yours today at TFsource!
Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - regular release!
11. Transformers Generations Update! KRE-O Combiner and Generations Wave 04 Preorders Up!
New KRE-O Combiner Preorders Up!
Now up for preorder - KRE-O Combiners! Defensor, Abominus & Piranacon - preorder yours here at TFsource:
TFsource - Your Source for KRE-O Combiners!
Now up for preorder - Hasbro Generations Hoist & Thunderacracker + Factory Sealed Case of Wave 4! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Transformers 2013 - Generations Series 04 - Set of Hoist & Thundercracker
Now instock TG20 Senator Ratbat! Preorders are being processed, order yours here:
Transformers Generations Japan - TG20 Fall of Cybertron - Ratbat
Transformers Go! Product Delay. Takara has recalled all Jinbu jet pieces due to a hip swap issue. We heard it's a pretty minor thing, and our apologies for the delay in preorders, but we would prefer to ship our customers the non-defective toys and we'll have our stock in later this month.
TFSource Sponsored reviewer Peaugh has also put up reviews of the latest Transformers Go figures, all of which you can watch on each product page. G-01 Kenzan (Police Car), Jinbu (Jet), and Ganou Samurai (Firetruck) are all up so enjoy the videos while takara makes the fixes!
New Preorders and Photos of Transformers GO! G08 Budora, G21 Judora, G09 Goradora and More! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Transformers GO! Figures!
The long wait is over, Generations Springer & Blitzwing now instock! Order yours here:
Transformers Generations 2013 Voyager Class - Wave 03 - Springer & Blitzwing Set
Updated Transformers Generations Preorders Up! These include: TG-27 Trailcutter & Hoist, TG-29 Sandstorm, TG-28 Megatron & Starscream, and TG-26 Bumblebee Goldbug. No word yet as how these will differ from the US releases, as Takara is using the US pictures as well. Preorder here at TFsource:

TFsource - Your Source for Transformers Japanese Generations!
New Transformers Go! Preorders: Combiner full sets! It seems Takara is offering full sets of these new combiners! Additionally we have pictures of the new EG figures - including Beachcomber and Jetvehicon! Sadly Groove is being renamed to Darocycle... Preorder at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Transformers Go! Combiner Full Sets!
New Preorder up: Transformers Generations Japan - TG25 Fall of Cybertron - Orion Pax & Megatron Set! These have some great metallic paint apps, and coloring that differs compared to the US Hasbro versions and is sold in a giftset. Preorder yours today!
Transformers Generations Japan - TG25 Fall of Cybertron - Orion Pax & Megatron Set
Now instock, Japanese Generations Blaster and Skywarp! Both now instock, we are processing and shipping out preorders in the order received! Order yours at TFSource here:
Transformers Generations Japan - TG17 Fall of Cybertron - Blaster & Steeljaw
Transformers Generations Japan - TG18 Fall of Cybertron - Skywarp
12. Now up for preorder - Make Toys Paladin/Chaos!
Don't forget to preorder the chaos figure, preorder stock is already quite low, preorder yours at TFsource here:
If we receive any additional stock after the first shipment, it will be via air freight which is much more costly, and the amount of available stock on this guy will be quite low, so we recommend preordering now!
Make Toys - Mobine Series - Chaos Paladin!
Now Instock from Make Toys - Yellow Giant!
Make Toys - Yellow Giant - Full Set of 6 Figures
13. Now Instock - Unique Toys - UT-W02 War Rhino!
Now instock - Unique Toys War Rhino! The second war lord piece includes his foot plate, weaponry and the War Rhino himself! Order yours at TFsource here:
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W02 War Rhino!
Unique Toys - War Panther Preorder Up! War Panther is now up for preorder at TFsource here:
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W04 War Panther
Also up for Preorder: Unique Toys War Bison! Preorder at TFsource here:
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W03 War Bison!
Now Instock - Unique Toys War Hawk! Order yours at TFsource here:
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W01 War Hawk!
14. Source Blog Updates!
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! 10 years to the day that the world first saw Binaltech and Masterpiece TFs! Do you remember?
Binaltech and Masterpiece: 10 Years Ago | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Classics, Reissues, Alternators, Protos, what have you sacrificed to stay in the collecting game?
Sacrifice | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! We interview Mr Starscream himself, breathtaking collection pics & forthright views from Paul Friemel
Collector Interview 14 – Paul Friemel | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! TFsource sponsored reviewer Peaugh got his hands on an early release of Stealth Bomber Megatron! Watch his review and preorder yours on TFsource here:
15. Newest Instock items at TFsource
Reformatted 01 - Terminus Hexatron
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F-15 Eagle
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F4 Phantom
DR. Wu - DW-TP09 Tyrant Sword - Red Version - Purple Version - Green Version
DR. Wu - DW-TP07 Courageous - Arcee Add-on - Pink Version - Blue Version
MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor
ToyWorld - H-01 Hardbone
ToyWorld - TW-T02 Aurora
KFC - CST-03 & CTS-04 Boxbomber Set of B-Box & BirdBomber
Transformers Generations Japan - TG20 Fall of Cybertron - Ratbat
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W02 War Rhino!
KFC - KP-01OP - Shoulder and Missile Kit for Optimus Prime
KFC - KP-01UM - Shoulder and Missile Kit for Ultra Magnus
iGear - MW-06 & MW-07 Mini Warrior - Duneraker & Veer
iGear - MW-05 & MW-08 Mini Warrior - Cogz & Bushwacker
Fansproject - Causality CA-11 Down Force
Transformers Generations 2013 Voyager Class - Wave 03 - Springer & Blitzwing Set
KFC - CST-01E - Evil Energy Rhinohorn
DR. Wu - DW-P14 - Rear Guard - Arm Cannon Set of 3
Transformers GT - Super GT - GTR-02 Saber
Transformers GT - Super GT - GTR-01 Optimus Prime
Encore #23 - Fortress Maximus!
Fansproject - Causality CA-09 Car Crash!
Fansproject - Causality CA-10 T-Bone!
Fansproject - Function X-1: Code
Encline Designs - Customizing Instructional DVD - Vol 01 - Full Figure Repaint!
Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set - Munitioner and Explorer - by Fansproject
TFC Toys - Hercules - Full Set of 6
MP-16 - Masterpiece Frenzy & Buzzsaw
Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Elite - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive
Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Ace - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive
SR-71 Blackbird - including X-45 Phantom Ray
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W01 War Hawk!
Make Toys - Yellow Giant - Full Set of 6 Figures
16. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
Transformers 2013 - Generations Series 04 - Set of Hoist & Thundercracker
KRE-O - Transformers - Micro Change Combiner Series 02 - Set of 3
TFCon Exclusive Roswell
TFCon Exclusive Van Guardian
Reformatted - R-04 - Leo Dux the Squadron Commander
TFC Toys - Project Ares - Nemean
TFC Toys - TFC-08 Wings of the Uranos
SXS-R01 - Continuously Variable
Impossible Toys MC Series
Transformers Generations 2013 Titan Class - Metroplex
DaCa-ToYs - Add-on 1 - G1 Jetfire - Skyfire Head hands and gun upgrade kit
MP-12G - Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe
MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack
MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee
Fansproject - Causality CA-12 Last Chance
MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave - 2nd Production Run
MP-19 - Masterpiece Smokescreen
Transformers Generations Japan - TG25 Fall of Cybertron - Orion Pax & Megatron Set
DOTM - APS-02 - Leader Class Brawl - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive
Kabaya Gaia Scramble Assortment 7 - Set of 3 Figures - Motormaster Silverbolt Onslaught
Mach 5 - M5-01 - Gauntlet
Mach 5 - M5-02 - Piston
KFC - CST-02J - Justice Ironpaw
KFC - CST-02NS - Nightstalker - Evil Ironpaw
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W04 War Panther
Encline Designs - Customizing Instructional DVD - Vol 02 - Metal Mayhem
Transformers GT - Super GT - GTR-04 Maximus!
Transformers Generations Japan - TG24 Fall of Cybertron - Optimus Prime & Bumblebee Set!
Transformers Generations Japan - TG23 Fall of Cybertron - Metroplex!
Transformers 2013 - Generations Series 02 - Ruination Bruticus - Set of 5
Fansproject - Function X-3: Smart Robin
Fansproject - Function X-2: Quadruple-U
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F-16 Falcon
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - AV-88 Harrier II
MP-17 - Masterpiece Prowl
MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak
DR. Wu - DW-TP01EX TFP Wheeljack Upgrade Kit
Reformatted - R-03 - Bovis the Supply Specialist
Reformatted - R-02 - Talon the Aerial Assaulter!
Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W03 War Bison!
ToyWorld - H-02 Brainwave
ToyWorld - TW-T03 Chase
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Source Points - TF Source
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