Great News Sourcefans!
This week we have new instock items like
Hasbro's Combiner Wars wave 3 - Deluxe, Legends and Voyager Classes,
Warbotron - WB03-C Hammer Sharpener,
Bold Forms - BCS-01 Lonewolf,
Transformers Legends Series - LG13 Megatron,
Warbotron Sly Strike, Fierce Attack and X-Ray,
TAV15 Lockdown, TAV16 Bombshell & TAV17 Shrapnel,
ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway, and a restock of
FansToys FT-05 Soar - Blue Version! We also have new preorders for
3 FansToys Sever Limited Editions,
Make Toys - RM-01 Cupola with Headwarrior,
Make Toys - Guardia - CM04B – Rover,
Make Toys - Guardia - CM04A – Axle,
Make Toys - RM07 Visualizers,
VooDoo Robots Potion Series - Healing Potion - Salus,
Reformatted - R-13 - Spartan,
ToyWorld - TW-D03 Corelock / Grimshell,
Tokyo Toy Show 2015 Exclusive Armada Megatron and Black Version Optimus/Nemesis Prime,
Combiner Wars - Leader Class Starscream, Deluxe Wave 4 and More,
Botcon 2015 - Botcon's Most Wanted - Convention Boxed and Loose Sets,
Botcon 2015 - Botcon Exclusive Souvenir Set 3 - 4-pack, and
BadCube OTS-0567 - Evil Bug Corps Set of 3.
TFsource's Spring Cleaning Sale Continues with nearly 200 Transformers & 3rd party items up to 75% off! And Visit our sister site for non-transformers collectibles! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:
Hasbro's Combiner Wars wave 3 is now fully instock!
Updated final product photos of DX9's Carry!
Now Up for Preorder - Botcon 2015 Exclusives!
Now up for Preorder - FansToys Sever Limited Editions!
New Make Toys Preorders Up!
Now Instock - Warbotron's WB03C Hammer Sharpener!
Instock Soon - ToyWorld - TW-D03 Corelock / Grimshell!
Now up for preorder - MMC's R-13 Spartan!
Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG13 Megatron!
Now up for preorder - Tokyo Toy Show 2015 Exclusive Armada Megatron and Black Version Optimus/Nemesis Prime!
TAV15 Lockdown, TAV16 Bombshell & TAV17 Shrapnel now Instock!
Updated Unique Toys Ordin Images!
Now up for preorder - BadCube OTS-0567 - Evil Bug Corps Set of 3!
New 3rd Party Custom Instock and Preorder Items!
New preorder up - X-transbots Andras!
Now up for preorder - MP-26 Masterpiece Road Rage!
theToySource Updates!
Source Blog Updates!
1. Hasbro's Combiner Wars wave 3 is now fully instock

TFsource - Your Source for Combiner Wars Figures!
Now up for preorder - Combiner Wars Leader Class Starscream! Note: Picture is not final, we are awaiting final photos from Hasbro. Preorder yours at TFSource here:
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Leader Class Series 3 - Starscream
Also up for preorder - Voyager and Deluxe Wave 4! No pictures yet, but some autobot favorites Prowl, Mirage, Sunstreaker and Ironhide, and Voyager Class Optimus Maximus. Preorders up here:
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Voyager and Deluxe Wave 4
Now up for preorder - Combiner Wars Legends Wave 4 - including Rodimus & Skywarp! Preorder yours here:
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Legends Series 4 set of 4
2. Updated final product photos of DX9's Carry
ToyWorld - TW-D03 Corelock / Grimshell
Now Instock - ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway! Order yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-T04 Expressway
ToyWorld - TW-T05 Shinebug
ToyWorld - TW-T06 Sideload
8. Now up for preorder - MMC's R-13 Spartan
TFsource's Spring Cleaning Sale continues with nearly 200 Transformers & 3rd party items up to 75% off! Check the sale out here:
TFsource Spring Cleaning Sale
Now up for Preorder - MMC Grandus Hexatron! Mastermind Creations brings us a limited edition release of R-01G Grandus Hexatron! The figure features new sculpting for the robot & beast mode heads, new chest wings & badge, and a metallic finish! Preorder yours here:
R-01G - Grandus Hexatron
9. Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG13 Megatron
TFsource - Your Source for Guilty's Pride Add-ons!
Now up for preorder - Headrobots - Infinitor Upgrade Kit! Headrobots is back with their upgrade kit for Toyworld's Infinitor - includes an accurate double barrel gun and sword. Preorders up at TFSource here:
Headrobots - Infinitor Upgrade Kit
New preorder from Machine Boy - Space Roamer! Figure stands approximately 6.4"/16CM tall in robot mode and is approximately voyager class size. Preorders up here:
Machine Boy - MB-01 Space Roamer
Now up for preorder - TnR Transform and Rollout TR-01! Figure is MP scaled and set for a 3rd quarter release. Preorder yours at TFSoure here:
Tranform and Rollout TR-01
Here's the first sample photo from Omnigonix of their Spinout figure! Wow this is a big push forward from their initial renders, preorder yours at TFSource here:
Omnigonix - OX-01 Spinout
15. New preorder up - X-transbots Andras

theToySource - Your Source for 3A/ThreeZero!
Now Instock - Lost Planet Figures and Vehicles! You can now pick up Lost Planet 4" Scale Figures Vagabundo and EX Nevec, along with the GTF-13M Evax Vehicle. You can check out all of the Lost Planet items on theToySource here:
Lost Planet - 4'' Scale Vehicle - GTF-13M Evax
Lost Planet - 4'' Figure - Vagabundo
Lost Planet - 4'' Figure - EX Nevec
TruForce Collectibles bring a strong first release with their Mega Man X figure! Mega Man X features die-cast armor, LED functionality in his X Buster, swappable face & hands, customizable effect parts, & over 30 articulation points! Preorder yours at the ToySource today:
Mega Man X - Designer Series - Mega Man X
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Who's winning the battle for your funds? Official or 3rd party product?
Who's Winning | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Were the movies good or bad for Transformers?
Were the Movies Good for Transformers? | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out Toyworld's Car Combiner and Expressway review courtesy of TFSource Sponsored Reviewer Peaugh here on TFSource:
NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! Eduardo Cardenas, our 1st Mexican collector, brings us his huge G1 collection
Collector Interview 37 – Eduardo Cardenas
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! What are your favourite Club Exclusive figures so far? Maz shares his with us here
Club Rules | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! TJ reviews Fansproject's Volar! Check it out on the Source Blog here:
Have you signed up for Source Points yet? Earn points with every purchase towards Freebies! Accumulated points and want to redeem them? Click the following link to enroll or redeem your points today!
Source Points - TF Source
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