New Instock items this week include:
S.H. Figuarts - Sailor Moon - Imposter Version - SDCC Exclusive,
Figuarts Zero Anna & Elsa,
S.H. Figuarts' Movie Realization Stormtrooper & Darth Vader figures,
Chogokin - Hello Kitty - Blue and Red Stripe Versions,
Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures,
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Leader Class Series 3 - Starscream,
MP-18B - Masterpiece Blue Bluestreak - with Collectors Coin,
Limited Edition Fans Toys Scoria Color Variations,
FansToys FT-04 - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria - Smoke Dino Head Add-on,
Make Toys - Guardia - CM04A - Axle,
Mega Steel - MS-01 Granville,
GCreation - Shuraking - SRK-02 Growl,
Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-02 - Menasor Set of 5, and
Kids logic - MN-06 Mecha Nations Ultra Magnus!

New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up at theToySource! Lots of new Bandai Tamashii Nations Preorders up including: Star Wars Movie Realizaiton, Dragon Ball Z, Tamashii Effects, Sailor Moon & more! Preorder yours today!
theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Tamashii Figures and Accessories!
Now up for preorder - Meisho Movie Realization - Darth Vader - Death Star Armor and Akazonae Royal Guard! Preorders up at theToySource here:
Meisho Movie Realization - Darth Vader - Death Star Armor
Meisho Movie Realization - Akazonae Royal Guard
New preorder from Bandai Japan featuring Sandtrooper re-imagined in feudal Japan! Preorders up at theToySource here:
Meisho Movie Realization - Teppo Ashigaru Sandtrooper
Meisho Movie Realization - Star Wars - Boba Fett
New preorder up - S.H. Figuarts Trunks Premium Color Edition! Preorders up at theToySource here:
S.H. Figuarts - Dragon Ball Z - Trunks Premium Color Edition
S.H. Figuarts - Bruce Lee
Robot Spirits - Zeta Gundam - Side MS Rick Dias
S.H. MonsterArts - King Ghidorah - Special Color Version
Figuarts Zero - Monkey D Luffy & Trafalgar Law -5th Anniversary Edition-
Armor Girls Project - Mobile Suit Girl Gundam Mk-II Titans
S.H. Figuarts - Naruto Shippuden - Namikaze Minato
S.H. Figuarts - Omegamon - Our War Game
Now up for preorder - Star Wars Episode VII Black Series Wave 01 and First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter! Preorder yours here:
Star Wars - Episode VII 6in - Black Figure Wave 01 - Case of 6
Star Wars - Episode VII Black Series 6in - First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
We've just received the popular SDCC Exclusive S.H. Figuarts - Sailor Moon - Imposter Version into the ToySource warehouse! Order yours today at the ToySource:
S.H. Figuarts - Sailor Moon - Imposter Version - SDCC Exclusive
Now instock at the ToySource: Figuarts Zero Anna & Elsa figures! Standing at 5.9" tall, and featuring many fine details like Elsa's transparent dress & Anna's silver hair stripe; these are must-have additions to any Frozen fan's collection! Order yours today from the ToySource:

Figuarts Zero Anna & Elsa
Now instock at the ToySource, S.H. Figuarts' Movie Realization Stormtrooper & Darth Vader figures! Available separately at the ToySource:

S.H. Figuarts' Movie Realization Stormtrooper & Darth Vader figures
Due to popular demand, Bandai has reissued their popular 40th Anniversary Chogokin Hello Kitty, in the original Blue & new Red Stripe colorations! Order yours today at the ToySource:

Chogokin - Hello Kitty - Blue and Red Stripe Versions
The ToySource has restocked the popular S.H. Figuarts Vegetto figure! Add one of the most formidable Dragonball character to your collection today at the ToySource:
S.H. Figuarts - Dragonball Z - Vegetto
Now up for Preorder - Hiya Toys - Aliens - Colonial Marines Hicks, Hudson and Power Loader! Preorders yours here:

Hiya Toys - Aliens - Colonial Marines Figures
Now available for preorder at TheToySource - MP-14 Masterpiece Clampdown! Masterpiece Clampdown is reborn in the Masterpiece line, as an homage to the Diaclone police deco of the Lamborghini Countach LP500S, reissued by e-hobby as "Clampdown"! Preorder yours today at TheToySource:
MP-14C - Masterpiece Clampdown
Ironhide is reborn in Masterpiece greatness! Featuring an arsenal of concealed weaponry and stands just a head shorter than MP-10, yet can still fit in his trailer in van mode, preorder yours at TheToySource here:
MP-27 - Masterpiece Ironhide
Bad news... we received confirmation from Takara that MP-25 Masterpiece Tracks is delayed until early November and MP-26 Road Rage until December. Preorders still available here:
MP-25 - Masterpiece Tracks
MP-26 - Masterpiece Road Rage
Now Instock - MP-18B - Masterpiece Blue Bluestreak - with Collectors Coin! Order yours here:
MP-18B - Masterpiece Blue Bluestreak - with Collectors Coin
Now up for preorder - Takara Tomy Mall Exclusive: MP-11T Thundercracker! Preorder yours at TheToySource here:
MP-11T - Masterpiece Thundercracker
Now up for preorder - MP-21R Masterpiece Red Bumblebee! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
MP-21R - Masterpiece Red Bumblebee
Get your jetpack on! Masterpiece G2 Bumblebee now instock! Order yours at TheToySource here:
MP-21G - Masterpiece G2 Bumblebee
Now Instock - Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures! Order yours here:
Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures
Now up for preorder - Platinum Dinobots Set with G1 Head Sculpts! Each figure features G1 colorations and new head sculpts, preorders up at TheToySource here:
Transformers Age of Extinction - Platinum Edition - Dinobots Set of 5
Now Instock - Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Leader Class Series 3 - Starscream! Order yours here:
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Leader Class Series 3 - Starscream
Some great pictures from Dengeki Hobby of the upcoming Japanese Legends figures - wow! We can't wait for these to be released - preorders up here:

TheToySource - Your Source for Japanese Legends Figures!
DX9 toys has posted some pics of the long awaited Carry figure! Check them out on our Facebook page. Barring any delays should be instock next week, preorder yours here:
DX9 D06 - Carry
Now up for preorder - DX9's Tyrant! Figure is approximately MP scaled - Preorder yours at TheToySource here:
DX9 D07 - Tyrant
Fans Toys Scoria - Limited Edition Figures now instock! Green, Blue and Silver - as well as a the replacement head available here:

Limited Edition Fans Toys Scoria Color Variations
FansToys FT-04 - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria - Smoke Dino Head Add-on
Warbotron has sent us some updated pics of WB03E! Due out around the end of the month, preorders up at TheToySource here:
Warbotron - WB03-E
Also up for preorder - WB03D! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Warbotron - WB03-D
Now Instock - Warbotron - WB01 - Full Set of 5 Figures + X-Ray Gun Set! Order yours here:
Warbotron - WB01 - Full Set of 5 Figures + X-Ray Gun Set
Make Toys Visualizers - Preorders back up! These guys blew out fast, restock in November available here:
Make Toys - RM-07 Visualizers
Now Instock - Make Toys Axle! The first figure in their Guardia set - instock now at TheToySource here:
Make Toys - Guardia - CM04A - Axle
Now up for preorder - MakeToys Gundog! Two versions available: Regular and SP Type61. Make Toys has provided us with some great additional photos of Gundog - now up for preorder at TheToySource here:

MakeToys Gundog (2 Versions)
Make Toys has also sent new pictures of Rover! Check out the pics and preorder on TheToySource here:
Make Toys - Guardia - CM04B - Rover
Now Instock - MakeToys Cupola, Yellow Giant and Dystopia! Order yours here:
Make Toys - City Bot Series - MCB-02/D DYSTOPIA
Make Toys - MTCM-01 DX Yellow Giant - Set of 6 Pieces - Gift Set
Make Toys - RM-01 Cupola with Headwarrior
Finally - Takara also announced what they are calling LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode, which looks like Thundercracker to us! Up for preorder here:
Transformers Legends Series - LG18 Thundercracker / Armada Starscream Super Mode
Also up for preorder & announced by Takara Tomy today - Q-Series Tracks, Arcee, Ultra Magnus & More! Preorders up at TheToySource here:

TheToySource - Your Source for Transformers Q!
Much improved photos of Takara Tomys Q-series Starscream, Skywarp & Thundercracker! Preorders up here:

Takara Tomys Q-series Starscream, Skywarp & Thundercracker
Now back up for preorder - LG14 Ultra Magnus! We've managed to secure more stock of this limited piece, so get in your preorder here:
Transformers Legends Series - LG14 Ultra Magnus w/ Alpha Trion Mini Figure
Now up for preorder - new iron factory figures & add-ons! These legends scaled figures are very popular, check them out here:
Iron Factory - IF-EX03S - Set of 5 Figures
Iron Factory - IF-EX12 - Set of 3 Figures
Just revealed TFCC 4.0 Attack Squad Combiner! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
TFCC 4.0 Attack Squad Combiner
From our friends at Voodoo Robots - check out this awesome update to Salus! Preorders up here:
VooDoo Robots Potion Series - Healing Potion - Salus
Fansproject's new Ryu-Oh series starts off with Dino-ichi & Dino-ni! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Fansproject - Saurus Ryu-Oh - Dinoichi
Fansproject - Saurus Ryu-Oh - Dinoni
Also up for preorder - Fansproject's highly anticipated Function-X series X-8 Crox and X-10 Browning II! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Fansproject - Function X8 - Crox
Fansproject - Function X10 - Browning II
Now Instock - Mega Steel Granville! Available at TheToySource here:
Mega Steel - MS-01 Granville
Now instock - GCreation - Shuraking - SRK-02 Growl! This 2nd massive dino combiner figure is instock at TheToySource here:
GCreation - Shuraking - SRK-02 Growl
Now Instock - TakaraTomy's Transformers Unite Warriors UW-02 Menasor Set of 5! A faithful interpretation of the original 5 G1 Stunticons by TakaraTomy, which include Motormaster, Breakdown, Dragstrip, Dead End, & Wildrider! Order yours today at TheToySource:
Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-02 - Menasor Set of 5
Now back up for preorder - PC-01 & PC-05 Perfect Combiner Add-on parts! Scheduled for restock in September:

PC-01 & PC-05 Perfect Combiner Add-on parts
Now Instock - Perfect Effect - PC-03 and PC-04 PC-04 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Sets! Order yours here:
Perfect Effect - PC-03 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Set - Superion Set
PC-04 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Set - Menasor Set
Now up for preorder - PC-08 Perfect Effect Combiner Wars Optimus Add-on Kit! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
PC-08 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Kit for CW Optimus
TheToySource Restock! Mastermind Creations' Warriors line - R-08 Azalea, R-08Z Zinnia, R-09 Eupatorium, & R-10 Salvia Prominon! Order yours today at TheToySource:

MMC Warriors
Feral Rex Team members Reissued! Available for preorder at TheToySource here:

MMC Feral Rex Figures
Hot off the announcements at TFCon - lots of new MMC preorder up including their new Ocular Max sub-brand and a restock of Reformatted - R-12 - Cynicus- preorders up at TheToySource here:
Mastermind Creations - Reformatted R-14 Commotus
Mastermind Creations - Reformatted R-16 Anachus
Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-01 Sphinx
Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-02 Malum Malitia - Set of 3
Hero-Hobby - QD-01 Tiny Rex
Reformatted - R-12 - Cynicus
Now up for preorder - KFC's Ditka! Contains Die-cast parts and is approximately MP scaled standing 24CM/9.5" tall in robot mode - preorders up here at TheToySource:
EAVI METAL Phase Seven: A - Ditka
Wow KFC's Double-deck with stinger is looking fantastic! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: B - Doubledeck w/ Stinger & Mandy Cassettes
Now up for preorder - Ori Toys Hero of Steel Optimus Prime! Ori toys Hero of Steel Optimus Prime features 40 points of articulation, and stands 23CM/9" tall - preorders up at TheToySource here:
Ori Toy - Hero of Steel 01 - Optimus Prime
Now up for preorder - Dr. Wu Mixer! A full transformable figure that also forms the leg of CW Devastator - preorder yours at TheToySource here:
DR. Wu - Mixer Upgrade Figure
Great news - we've received the remainder of our CW Devastator stock! Be sure to grab yours while they last here:
Combiner Wars 2015 - Titan Class - Devastator
Now up for preorder - Perfect Effect Combiner Wars Devastator Upgrade Kits! Preorders up at TheToySource here:

Perfect Effect Combiner Wars Devastator Upgrade Kits!
Now up for preorder - TakaraTomy UW-04 Devastator! Will you wait until December for Takara or order the US Devy? Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-04 - Devastator
Now instock - SDCC Devastator! Devastator available here:
SDCC 2015 - Exclusive - Devastator - Giftset
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