
S.H. Figuarts - The Avengers Age of Ultron - Thor
S.H. Figuarts Star Wars - Darth Maul
Macross - HI-METAL R VF-1J Armored Valkyrie
ToyWorld - TW-D05 Spear
FansToys FT-12 - Grenadier - Purple and Grey Chest versions
Transformers Legends Series - LG14 Ultra Magnus w/ Alpha Trion Mini Figure
KFC - KP-06EX Teal Gun - for MP-10B Black Convoy
X2 Toys - XT006 and XT006G - MP-21G Jetpack and Base Assembly Kits
Fansproject - Function X8 - Crox
DX9 D06 - Carry

Meisho Movie Realization - Darth Vader - Death Star Armor
Meisho Movie Realization - Akazonae Royal Guard
Toyworld Construction Combiner Figures
MP-28 - Masterpiece Hot Rod 2.0
MP-29 - Masterpiece Shockwave
Diaclone Reboot - Dia-battles Version 2 - Moonbase Exclusive Version
DX9 D07 - Tyrant
New Bandai Tamashii Instock Items!
S.H. Figuarts - The Avengers Age of Ultron - Thor
S.H. Figuarts Star Wars - Darth Maul
S.H. Figuarts - Dragonball Z - Super Saiyan Son Goku - Reissue
Tamashii Stage - Act Combination Clear Blue
S.H. Figuarts - Superman - Injustice Gods Among Us
S.H. MonsterArts - Godzilla 2014 Spitfire Edition
Soul of Chogokin - GX-69 Goldymarg - Gao Gai Gar
Tamashii Effect - Impact Beige
Tamashii Effect - Impact Gray
Robot Spirits - Doraemon
Saint Cloth Myth Ex - Sea Dragon Kanon
Now Instock - Macross - HI-METAL R VF-1J Armored Valkyrie! Order yours here:
Macross - HI-METAL R VF-1J Armored Valkyrie
New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up at theToySource! Lots of new Bandai Tamashii Nations Preorders up including: Star Wars Movie Realizaiton, Dragon Ball Z, Tamashii Effects, Sailor Moon & more! Preorder yours today!
theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Tamashii Figures and Accessories!
Now up for preorder - Meisho Movie Realization - Darth Vader - Death Star Armor and Akazonae Royal Guard! Preorders up at theToySource here:
Meisho Movie Realization - Darth Vader - Death Star Armor
Meisho Movie Realization - Akazonae Royal Guard
New preorder from Bandai Japan featuring Sandtrooper re-imagined in feudal Japan! Preorders up at theToySource here:
Meisho Movie Realization - Teppo Ashigaru Sandtrooper
Meisho Movie Realization - Star Wars - Boba Fett
Now up for preorder - Star Wars Episode VII Black Series Wave 01 and First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter! Preorder yours here:
Star Wars - Episode VII 6in - Black Figure Wave 01 - Case of 6
Star Wars - Episode VII Black Series 6in - First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
Now instock at the ToySource, S.H. Figuarts' Movie Realization Stormtrooper & Darth Vader figures! Available separately at the ToySource:

S.H. Figuarts' Movie Realization Stormtrooper & Darth Vader figures
Toyworld's Masterpiece Scaled Construction Combiner - Now up for preorder!
Standing an impressive 20"/50CM in its combined form, and individual bots featuring movable tracks, LED lights and more. Preorder this beast of a figure today at TheToySource!

Toyworld Construction Combiner Figures
Finally here are the high res photos of Masterpiece Hot Rod and Shockwave - Both up for preorder at TheToySource here:
MP-28 - Masterpiece Hot Rod 2.0
MP-29 - Masterpiece Shockwave
Now Instock - ToyWorld - TW-D05 Spear! Order yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-D05 Spear
Check out Peaughs' review of Toyworld's final Dino Combiner member - Spear on TheToySource here: https://theToySource.com/toyworld/TW-D05/
Now up for preorder - Moonbase version Diabattles Exclusive Version! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Diaclone Reboot - Dia-battles Version 2 - Moonbase Exclusive Version
Now Instock - KFC - KP-06EX Teal Gun - for MP-10B Black Convoy! Order yours here:
KFC - KP-06EX Teal Gun - for MP-10B Black Convoy
Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG14 Ultra Magnus w/ Alpha Trion Mini Figure! Order yours here:
Transformers Legends Series - LG14 Ultra Magnus w/ Alpha Trion Mini Figure
Now Instock - X2 Toys - XT006 and XT006G - MP-21G Jetpack and Base Assembly Kits! Order both here:
X2 Toys - XT006 Jetpack and Base Assembly Kit
X2 Toys - XT006G - MP-21G Jetpack and Base Assembly Kit
Wow the first colored images of Fans Toys Stomp revealed! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
FansToys FT-07 Stomp - Iron Dibots No.4
Now up for preorder - PC-09 Combiner Wars Bruticus Add-on Set! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Perfect Effect - PC-09 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Set - CW Bruticus
New preorder up - Iron Factory's Ashura Knights - set of 5 figures! Preorders up here:
Iron Factory - IF-EX06-10 set of 5 Ashura Knights
Updated photos from KFC of their posable hands for MP-12 Sideswipe! Preorders up here:
KFC - KP-10 Posable Hands for MP-12 Sideswipe
New Beelzeboss upgrade kits for CW prime, Nightbeat and Trailbreaker! Check them out on TheToySource here:

Good news for any that missed out, Takara is reissuing MP-22 Ultra Magnus! Preorders up here:
Now Instock - MP-11 - Masterpiece Starscream - Coronation Set - Asia Exclusive Reissue! Order yours here:
MP-11 - Masterpiece Starscream - Coronation Set - Asia Exclusive Reissue
Now instock - Fansproject's Function-X Crox! Available at TheToySource here:
Fansproject - Function X8 - Crox
Now Instock - DX9 D06 - Carry! Going fast! Pick up DX9's latest masterpiece at TheToySource here:
DX9 D06 - Carry
Now up for preorder - DX9's Tyrant! Check out the new pics on our facebook page! Figure is approximately MP scaled - Preorder yours at TheToySource here:
DX9 D07 - Tyrant
Now up for preorder - DX9's Terror! This piece limited to just 2000 pieces is a recolor of Carry - up for preorder at TheToySource here:
DX9 D06T - Terror - LE2000
Now Instock - FansToys FT-12 - Grenadier - Purple and Grey Chest versions! Preorder yours here:
FansToys FT-12 - Grenadier Purple Chest
FansToys FT-12 - Grenadier Grey Chest
Now Instock - Platinum Edition - Autobot Intell Ops Set - Blaster & Perceptor! Order yours here:
Platinum Edition - Autobot Intell Ops Set - Blaster & Perceptor
Now Instock - BadCube - OTS-05 Claymore, OTS-06 Hypno, and OTS-07 Kickbutt - Collector Editions! These verisons includes die-cast metal, chrome, transparent color chest, as well as a weapon and energy cube with each figure. Pick up all 3 today!
BadCube - OTS-05 Claymore - Collectors Edition
BadCube - OTS-06 Hypno - Collector's Edition
BadCube - OTS-07 Kickbutt - Collector's Edition
New Transformers Japanese Import stuffed plush line "Yawaraka Nazo Nazo" announced! Preorders up here:

Also revealed, new TF Q series: Ironhide, Jetfire, Evangelion & more! Preorders up here:

TheToySource - Your Source for Transformers Q!
Now Instock - Iron Factory - IF-EX11 - Evillord! Order yours on TheToySource here:
Iron Factory - IF-EX11 - Evillord
Now Instock - Warbotron - WB03-E Laser Canon! Form the main body of this massive combiner, instock now here:
Warbotron - WB03-E Laser Canon
Just received - first color renderings of WB03F Master! Preorders up at TheToySource here:
Warbotron - WB03-F Master
Here's the updated Legends Springer colorscheme, more G1 toy accurate, not sure what was up with the initial picture but this looks much better! Preorders up here:
Transformers Legends Series - LG19 Springer
New preorder up - SND add-on kit - upgrade your Combiner Wars white Optimus Prime figure with the Primo Prafectus Kit!
SND Kit for CW Optimus Prime - The Primo Prafectus Upgrade Kit
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