NEW HOT IN STOCK ITEMS:[/color">- S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury- S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus- TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Ma"> NEW HOT IN STOCK ITEMS:[/color">- S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury- S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus- TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Ma"> NEW HOT IN STOCK ITEMS:[/color">- S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury- S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus- TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Ma" />

TheToySource News! S.H. Figuarts, Play Arts Kai, Pandinus and More

by Jay Cochran
May 20, 2016

[color=#BF0000">NEW HOT IN STOCK ITEMS:[/color">

- S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury
- S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus
- TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Man X
- S.H. Figuarts - Omegamon - Our War Game
- First Gokin - NT01-S Cerebral (Krang)
- Make Toys - City Bot Series - MCB03 - Pandinus
- Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-06 - Grand Galvatron
- Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures
- FansToys FT-14 - Forager
- KFC - KP-12 Posable Hands For MP-27 Ironhide
- ToyWorld - Constructor - TW-C03 Burden and TW-C04 Allocater
- Combiner Wars 2016 - Victorion Torchbearers - Boxed Set
- BadCube OTS-04V Wardog Veteran - LE 500
- Omnigonix - OX-01 Spinout
[color=#0040FF">NEW HOT PREORDERS:[/color">

- S.H. Figuarts - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Michelangelo
- S.H. Figuarts - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Raphael
- Saint Seiya - Soul of Gold - Sagittarius Aiolos God Cloth
- Kotobukiya - Female Edward Scissorhands - Bishoujo Statue
- Play Arts Kai - Batman Preorders
- Bandai Figure Rise Standard - Final Form Frieza and Super Saiyan Son Goku
- High Grade HG 1/144 - Gundam Local Type - Gundam The Origin
- Final Fantasy - XV Play Arts Kai Preorders
- Mastermind Creations - R-17 - Carnifex
- KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Five - Reflectrons / Opticlones
- MP-27 - Masterpiece Ironhide with Drill
- Unique Toys - Y-03 - Sworder
- EAVI METAL Phase Seven: A - Ditka
- DX9 Toys - DX9-D08 - Gewalt
- Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan
New photos of S.H. Figuarts - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Raphael and Michelangelo! Check out the pics and preorder here:

S.H. Figuarts - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Raphael

S.H. Figuarts - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Michelangelo
Now up for preorder - Saint Seiya - Soul of Gold - Sagittarius Aiolos God Cloth! Grab this preorder here:

Saint Seiya - Soul of Gold - Sagittarius Aiolos God Cloth
This beautifully sculpted, 1/7 scale Kotobukiya - Female Edward Scissorhands is now up for preorder! Get it here:

Kotobukiya - Female Edward Scissorhands - Bishoujo Statue
Now up for preorder - Play Arts Kai - Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - Batman! Preorder here:

Play Arts Kai - Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - Batman
We also have a few more Batman preorders from Play Arts Kai:

DC Universe Variant Play Arts Kai - Batman Timeless - Bushido

Play Arts Kai - Batman - Arkham Knight - Batgirl

Play Arts Kai - Batman Arkham Knight - Nightwing
Now Instock - S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury! Order yours here:

S.H. Figuarts - Freddie Mercury
Now Instock - S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus! Order yours here:

S.H. Figuarts -Dragonball Z - Beerus
Now up for preorder - Bandai Figure Rise Standard - Final Form Frieza and Super Saiyan Son Goku! Preorder at theToySource here:

Bandai Figure Rise Standard - Final Form Frieza

Bandai Figure Rise Standard - Super Saiyan Son Goku
Now up for preorder - High Grade HG 1/144 - Gundam Local Type - Gundam The Origin! This Gundam Local Type serves as the missing link between the Gundam Ground Type and GunDiver mobile suits from the original Gundam universe. Preorder yours today!

High Grade HG 1/144 - Gundam Local Type - Gundam The Origin
Also up for preorder - Master Grade 1/100 - Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt Ver)! Preorder here:

Master Grade 1/100 - Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt Ver)
Now Instock - TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Man X! Order yours here:

TruForce - Designer Series - Mega Man X
Following up on Tamashii Nations' awesome Meisho Movie Realization Star Wars collection comes their next figure: Meisho Manga Realization Spider-Man! Now up for preorder at theToySource:

Meisho Manga Realization - Samurai Spider-Man
Now Instock, First Chokin NT01S - Cerebral (Krang)! The fearsome Krang figures features special edition Chrome parts and tons of improvements. Order here today:

First Gokin - NT01-S Cerebral (Krang)
THETOYSOURCE'S WEEKEND SALE IS UP! MC 20 FOR JUST $19.99! Save 74% off of the EAVI MC 20 Micro Robo Metal Version, order yours for just $19.99 this weekend only (5/20-5/22)!

KFC - Micro Robo - MC 20 - E.A.V.I Metal Version
Now Instock - MakeToys MCB03 - Pandinus! Add this awesome collection centerpiece to your cart today! Order yours now!

Make Toys - City Bot Series - MCB03 - Pandinus
Now up for preorder - Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan! Preorder yours at TheToySource here:

Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan
SALE ALERT! More items have been added to the TheToySource Spring Sale. The more the merrier right? Save here:

Our featured item is Platinum Edition - Trypticon - G1 Reissue! Get yours for only $149.99! You Save 25% off the regular price! Order yours here:

Platinum Edition - Trypticon - G1 Reissue
Now up for preorder - the massive R-17 Carnifex! Preorders up at TheToySource here:

Mastermind Creations - R-17 - Carnifex
TheToySource Restock - Reformatted - Feral Rex - Full Set of 5 Figures! Order yours here:

Reformatted - Feral Rex - Full Set of 5 Figures
Now Instock - R-11 - Seraphicus Prominon - Core Robot & Power Cradle! Order it with or without the Power Cradle here:

R-11 - Seraphicus Prominon - Core Robot & Power Cradle
Now Instock - Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - RMX-01 Jaguar Premium Edition! Order yours here:

Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - RMX-01 Jaguar Premium Edition
Now up for preorder - KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Five - Reflectrons / Opticlones! Preorder now for early bird pricing! Save $10!

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Five - Reflectrons / Opticlones
Check out our facebook page for prototype Images of KFC Ditka (Masterpiece-Styled Blitzwing) in bot, tank and plane mode! And don't forget to preorder here:

EAVI METAL Phase Seven: A - Ditka
Official images of KFC Shattered Transistor! Preorder the set here:

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: A - Shattered Transistor Set
Now Instock - Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-06 - Grand Galvatron! Order yours at TheToySource here:

Transformers Unite Warriors - UW-06 - Grand Galvatron
TheToySource Restock - Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures! You can grab the full set or individual figures! Order here:

Unique Toys - Ordin - Full set of 5 Figures
Now up for preorder - Unique Toys - Sworder! This triple changer has battle swords that dispatch from his helicopter blades and a blaster to do battle with. Preorder yours at TheToySource today!

Unique Toys - Y-03 - Sworder
New Perfect Combiner Preorders up including PC04G G2 Menasor and PC13 Fort Max Sword! Preorder yours at TheToySource here:

PC-04G Perfect Combiner Upgrade Kit for CW G2 Menasor

PC-13 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Kit for Titans Return
Now Instock - Machine Robo MR-02, 03 and 04! Order yours here:

Machine Robo - MR-02 - Rod Drill

Machine Robo - MR-03 - Eagle Robo

Machine Robo - MR-04 - Battle Robo
Also instock this week - Toy World Constructor Combiner TW-C03 Burden and TW-C04 Allocater! (barring any delays). Order yours here:

ToyWorld - Constructor - TW-C03 Burden

ToyWorld - Constructor - TW-C04 Allocater
Now Instock - FansToys FT-14 - Forager! Order yours here:

FansToys FT-14 - Forager
MP-27 Ironhide reissue with new accessory is on it's way! The exclusive new weapon is a drill gun, pulled directly from the cartoon. Preorder reissue here:

MP-27 - Masterpiece Ironhide with Drill
Now Instock - KFC KP-12 MP-27 Ironhide possable hands! Order yours at TheToySource here:

KFC - KP-12 Posable Hands For MP-27 Ironhide
KFC MP-26 Road Rage 10R Possable hands instock here at ‪TheToySource:

KFC - KP-10R Posable Hands For MP-26 Road Rage
Now Instock - MP-30 Masterpiece Ratchet! Both versions with and without Collector's Coin are available here here:

MP-30 Masterpiece Ratchet
Now up for Preorder - MP-32 Masterpiece Optimus Primal - w/ Diecast Mace! Preorder yours here:

MP-32 Masterpiece Optimus Primal - w/ Diecast Mace
Now Up for Preorder - MP-14+ Masterpiece Red Alert Anime Color Edition! Order yours here:

MP-14+ Masterpiece Red Alert Anime Color Edition
It's here! MP-29 Masterpiece Shockwave is NOW in stock! Order yours here today:

MP-29 Masterpiece Shockwave
Now instock - the Torchbearers Giftset Victorion! Order the fan built combiner at TheToySource:

Combiner Wars 2016 - Victorion Torchbearers - Boxed Set
Badcube OTS-04V Wardog Veteran - LE 500! Add it to your collection today! Instock here:

BadCube OTS-04V Wardog Veteran - LE 500
Now up for preorder, Bad Cube OTS - 09 Grump and OTS - 10 Slick! Preorder yours here:

BadCube - OTS-09 Grump

BadCube - OTS-10 Slick
Now instock - Omnigonix Spinout. Get it here:

Omnigonix - OX-01 Spinout
New color images of DX9 - D08 Gewalt! Get your preorder in today:

DX9 Toys - DX9-D08 - Gewalt
Now Instock - DX9 Toys War in Pocket - X13 Mightron! Order yours today!

War in Pocket - X13 Mightron
Also Instock - War in Pocket – DX9 Doombringers Set 03 - X04G X05G X06G! Order yours here:

War in Pocket - DX9 Doombringers Set of 3 - X04G X05G X06G
New pics of War in Pocket - X14 LEAH & X15 TOUFOLD. Preorder this set of 2 here at TheToySource:

War in Pocket - X14 Leah & X15 Toufold Set of 2
Now instock - War in Pocket X07 X12 Hulkie - Set of 6 figures! Get it here:

War in Pocket - X07 X-12 Hulkie - Set of 6 Figures
TFC TOYS P-03 Bigbite - Poseidon Combiner. Preorder yours here:

TFC Toys - Poseidon - P03 - Bigbite
Preorder your Transformers Collector's Club Subscription 5.0 today! Click here to add to your ‪‎TheToySource cart:

Transformers Collector's Club Subscription 5.0
Now Instock - the highly anticipated FansToys FT-07 Stomp - Iron Dibots No.4! Order yours today!

FansToys FT-07 Stomp - Iron Dibots No.4
New color images of both TFC Toys Hades H-05 Aiakos and H-06 Hypnos! Preorder yours here:

TFC Toys Hades H-05 Aiakos

TFC Toys Hades H-06 Hypnos
TFC Toys Hades H-03 Cerberus now instock! Get yours here today!

TFC Toys Hades H-03 Cerberus
Now Instock - TFC Toys Hades Combiner H-04 - Rhadamanthus! Order yours here:

TFC Toys Hades H-04 Rhadamanthus
Get GCreations SRK-04 Blade today! Instock here at TheToySource:

GCreation - Shuraking - SRK-04 Blade
Iron Factory IF – EX13 Blizzard – Trinity Elite! Order here:

Iron Factory - IF-EX13 Blizzard - Trinity Elite Warrior
Iron Factory has revealed the next entry in their toy line, EX-18 LordScorpion, a comic style homage of Generation 1 Scorpnok. Preorder yours at TheToySource today!

Iron Factory - IF-EX18 - Lordscorpion
Now up for preorder - Iron Factory's IF-EX14! Yet to be named but a great looking legends scaled piece, preorders up at TheToySource here:

Iron Factory - IF-EX14
Fansproject LER-04 Severo DX NOW instock at TheToySource. Find it here:

Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-04 Severo DX - w/ Bonus Parts
Check out our facebook page for new images of Fansproject - Function X10 - Browning II. Preorder yours here today:

Fansproject - Function X10 - Browning II
New preorder up from Fansproject in their Warbot Series - Dai-Z! Figure stands approximately 8.3/21CM tall in robot mode, splits into 3 vehicles, and includes 3 soleron cores! Preorder yours at TheToySource here:

Fansproject - Warbot - WB007 - Dai-Z
Become a fan of TheToySource on Facebook! We've spent years building TheToySource into an online resource for TF fans, and now we have created a page on facebook for our fans. We'll keep you updated on new releases and TF info, as well as any contests or promo's we run, some of which will be exclusively through facebook.
Also we want to hear from you, what do you like about TheToySource and what can we improve. So log into facebook and become a fan of TheToySource today!

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