Seen by @oansun at a Kroger!
— Davideo (@FakeEyes22) November 1, 2018
It's... just... a... box. I did one of those incredulous short laugh things at that, what can I say? Although, honestly, if they expanded this out to include action figures and included Ralphs (Kroger's West Coast version), then I'd be glad for that. I'd love the chance to pick up a Marvel Legend or Black Series along with my groceries! ?
This seems like such an odd thing. Just let the brand die. This seems almost embarrassingly pathetic. A very small selection of toys only directed at kids in a super small quantity? Let's hope KB Toys comes back with a bit more gusto.
This is a small, but good sign I think. After the liquidation and the latest announcement, this is a fair turnaround, and something that is probably sustainable for the time being. Based on how the last iteration ended, it will probably be a little while before a larger store opens. I was thinking these types of displays and end caps will move to small to medium sized drugstores (I'm on the east coast here so maybe Wallgreens, Kinney, CVS). The next phase might be toy isles in stores that are a good fit (Party City, Kohls). Maybe though, after that, we will see full brick and mortar type stores.
Wow... Just wow, man. Feels very much like the epitome of the phrase too little, too late.
Baby steps I guess. Hopefully theyre trying to establisha foundation and wont make the same mistakes.
If they go that route, hopefully the one closest to me will be on the reopening list. Pretty sure it was one of the "owned by the company" type.
I've been told though nothing officially confirmed that they are looking to possibly reopen some of their older stores that they do still own. Have no idea on a timetable but indications are we could see something more than this.
If true, this is probably just a place holder they can do quick and easy so they can get something out for the holidays. This time of year is the toy industries most important time for sales, so its critical for them to be out there though honestly I would think they could do better than this. I've been in Krogers before and they generally have a better toy aisle better than this around the holidays.
Yeah they took the toybox thing too seriously . As I can see here it will be only toys for kids. So don't expect to find collectibles or even marvel legends or black series.
I agree with some of you that given the situation they should have stayed as they were.
I was definitely expecting something bigger. I hope they can get a big store. I miss walking around at Toys r us here in Orlando