Congrats @Belmont13!
The winner for this round was Belmont13
Congrats to him and thanks to everyone who has become a part of this community. Stick around because another contest will be starting soon.
I'm tossing my hat in the ring again and shared on Facebook as well. Thanks for all the contests lately guys!
A little late to the party but here it goes:
Best of luck to everyone!
If I won I could finally have the Darkhorse Hellboy, anybody has it already?
I like these contest it's a nice thank you to those in the community who are passionate collectors and spread news about these forums. I made an account on here a month ago and have been enjoying some of the toy reviews that I've seen. I especially love the toy photography, shout out to those doing the A.C.B.A.?
13 hours ago, sXeblues said:I dont feel like I fully grasp the rules of these contests... As, from the way its described, youd assume that folks whopost in all of the applicable areas, and go to the extent of spreading the word on these forums, as well aseach of the respective contests, would get asubmission in for each and every post they make, as well as three extra for sharing the board,into the overall shebang. I know thatIve done this quite a bit, being fairly active on the board. And Ive equally observed a few others that have, too.
Yet, the last couple of winners seem to only have made one or twoposts here or there, made no real effort to share information about the forums unless Im missing something and not been very active on them,overall. I get that the bottom line is that its all supposed to be random. But, the odds, and the presumption, based upon the description of the contest rules, suggest to me thatfar lessis actuallymore. Rather than the other way round, where the more active you are, the higher the odds are that you may win.So, maybe I ought to dial everything I do here back toa single post or two, in the alotted time, this time around.
Not that the contests are the only reason Im here. Anybody whos interacted with me here on the forums should get a clear picture of that. But, Im also not going to lie and say that the $100 carrot on a stick isnt in any way influencing me. Like anybody else, especially all of the freak accounts that only drum up and make singular posts at contest time, that prize is a grand one indeed, to me. On my budget of no more than $20-$40 a month that I can spend on figures, you can bet that Im left chomping at the bit to take a win, one of these days. But, the odds and structure of it all feel a bit off, to me. And, even if it happens to have a negative impact on my chances of winning, Im not going to censor my thoughts and criticismson it.
But, suffice to say, best of luck to all, whatever the case may be.
I know how you feel man. The one time posters and the multiple curiously "new" accounts that pop up everytime there is a contest always feels shady. I just think its better to not focus on it and not become one of those guys that tries too hard to get it. Just keep doing what you are doing. The amazing thing is the fact that JayC puts up these contests constantly so your chances of being a winner are always greatly increased. Also they do it over at the marvel part of this forum as well if you like marvel things. But never be like our past pals that we have conveniently not seen since that have a one sentence response in EVERY post for 3 pages. That just comes off as foolish and annoying. Good luck!
Good luck to all.
That all being said... Here, once again, are a couple of posts sharing the forums and contest info on both my social media and Youtube Community accounts.
I dont feel like I fully grasp the rules of these contests... As, from the way its described, youd assume that folks whopost in all of the applicable areas, and go to the extent of spreading the word on these forums, as well aseach of the respective contests, would get asubmission in for each and every post they make, as well as three extra for sharing the board,into the overall shebang. I know thatIve done this quite a bit, being fairly active on the board. And Ive equally observed a few others that have, too.
Yet, the last couple of winners seem to only have made one or twoposts here or there, made no real effort to share information about the forums unless Im missing something and not been very active on them,overall. I get that the bottom line is that its all supposed to be random. But, the odds, and the presumption, based upon the description of the contest rules, suggest to me thatfar lessis actuallymore. Rather than the other way round, where the more active you are, the higher the odds are that you may win.So, maybe I ought to dial everything I do here back toa single post or two, in the alotted time, this time around.
Not that the contests are the only reason Im here. Anybody whos interacted with me here on the forums should get a clear picture of that. But, Im also not going to lie and say that the $100 carrot on a stick isnt in any way influencing me. Like anybody else, especially all of the freak accounts that only drum up and make singular posts at contest time, that prize is a grand one indeed, to me. On my budget of no more than $20-$40 a month that I can spend on figures, you can bet that Im left chomping at the bit to take a win, one of these days. But, the odds and structure of it all feel a bit off, to me. And, even if it happens to have a negative impact on my chances of winning, Im not going to censor my thoughts and criticismson it.
But, suffice to say, best of luck to all, whatever the case may be.