Here are the best sellers in action figures & sci-fi collectiles this week at HobbyLink Japan!
No.1 Fully Transformable YF-19 with Fast Pack Premium Finish
No.2 ZOIDS: EZ-049 Sturm Tyrann
No.3 Movie Monster Series Godzilla Ultima Godzilla SP
No.4 Movie Monster Series Jet Jaguar Godzilla SP
No.5 Frame Arms Type 48 Type 2 Kagutsuchi Otsu (Sniper): RE2
No.6 HAFM Tekkaman Blade - Sol Tekkaman Balzac Machine
No.7 Television Masterpiece - Scale Fully Poseable Figure: The Mandalorian - Boba Fett
No.8 Variable Action Kits - Future GPX Cyber Formula
No.9 1/12 Camping Accessories for Action Figures
No.10 Polynian Rucio Girl's Bikini
No.11 Super Robot Wars Venus A Big Size Soft Vinyl
No.12 WFC-13 Transformers War for Cybertron Red Alert
No.13 WFC-12 Transformers War for Cybertron Wheeljack
No.14 Nier: Automata PK Flight Unit Ho229 Type-B & 2B