Yeah, dont love the term kidult but whatever. Not surprised that we are a big chunk of the sales demo.
5 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:Just a little annoyed they are still trying to imply that we are somehow not fully functioning adults. They have to disparage what they don't understand.
I dont think they meant any ill will by it, I think theyre just having fun making a nickname for us. Its better than the more common manchildren lol
Just a little annoyed they are still trying to imply that we are somehow not fully functioning adults. They have to disparage what they don't understand.
Even though its a single, 2 syllable word, Kidult doesnt quite roll off the tongue like adult collector. But whatever, labels really dont matter in this instance but, its cool that others are finally catching on to the fact that adults are the ones primarily buying toys for themselves.
Kidult man child I dont care. Ill gladly keep the toy industry afloat ?
I'm gonna go put on a cardigan and smoke a pipe now.
What collector hasnt known this for years. I hardly ever see a kid looking much less picking up a marvel legend or a gi classified or anything similar. The only people who havent seemed to realize this are the companies that make these figures who continue to claim that these figures are for kids and bought by kids or adults for gifts to kids. Typically the only kids I see at retail or toy shows/conventions are kids with collector parents.
Action figures hooked me back in to buying them with Toy Biz's Spider-Man. The figures are quite crappy by today's standards but they were great at the time. Spidey was a big part of my childhood and I wish I'd had figures that cool as a child. Their whole 5 inch line was really cool and I went in deep. Then Marvel Legends came out. Wow. Whole other level. I've seen more and more adults in the toy aisles hunting for figures over the years. Now it's all online which just makes it easier. There's just so many quality figures being made, I see no reason to stop.
The name "kidult" is a bit lame though. I'm saying this as someone who embraces being a Trekkie.
Unsurprisingly uncreative name from dipsh*ts who think "collector" let alone "action figure collector" are terms with too many syllables.
The data on the other hand is very interesting
I knew this like 10 years ago. I work in retail at wallyworld and kids just buy legos or fads and pokemon cards and video games they can't afford some of these toy lines. Adults I think make up about 1/2 of the action figure sales in this country maybe in the world except for legos and possibly wrestling figures. But kids aren't buying Star wars or gijoe and maybe transformers not sure on marvel legends but I don't think so. Kids are getting legos or fortnite figures or video game related toys or pokemon cards.