I too want to see the classic GA hawks
I just want me a clayface.
How can they take preorders for a product we have never seen? Also are these exclusively through BBTS? It seems ridiculous to have this offering without any measure of information. Also I am deeply concerned about how Mattel is releasing so much DC stuff when they can't get the figures right.Went into WalMart last week saw a BL with 2 right arms
Yesterday went into TRU the Cyborg Superman had a right arm for his left arm
I preorder all my stuff, NOW I AM SCARED
Again, can we please see and get more information on the product
theres not much to tell. 75% of the 2 packs are rehashes of previously released figs. besides brainiac and muddy bats, you can see pics of the rest of the figs anywhere. as for superman, hes just wave 6 supes with an eradicator head. classic hawkman and hawkgirl....im intrested in seeing those.
How can they take preorders for a product we have never seen? Also are these exclusively through BBTS? It seems ridiculous to have this offering without any measure of information. Also I am deeply concerned about how Mattel is releasing so much DC stuff when they can't get the figures right.
Went into WalMart last week saw a BL with 2 right arms
Yesterday went into TRU the Cyborg Superman had a right arm for his left arm
I preorder all my stuff, NOW I AM SCARED
Again, can we please see and get more information on the product
Dang pooda haven't see you talk this much in a while you ok man lol
hey...somebody's gotta help you guys.
right on pooda! dangit! you right about her, guess i'll just have to put a bag over her face, the body is good though! i hope they repaint her right for the 2 pack!
Dang pooda haven't see you talk this much in a while you ok man lol
I need a Clayface, badly. But I'm not happy that I have to buy another Batman to get him.Couldn't they've put him in a two-pack with Catwoman, who was equally hard to find in the same wave?
ill go half with ya. hey kreyonkid, my cam isnt good enough for close ups. she is still one ugly chick! SHE ALSO HAS A TWO TONE FACE!
I need a Clayface, badly. But I'm not happy that I have to buy another Batman to get him.Couldn't they've put him in a two-pack with Catwoman, who was equally hard to find in the same wave?
that would have been a great 2 pack combo, but i heard that catwoman don't look too good, but from the pictures i've seen, she looks o.k. Pooda, how about a closeup picture of her face, thanks!